Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Ghost Flame

Ghost Flames 9/19/2012

A ghost flame is invisible
But it still burns the same
Cooking the flesh
And killing the nerves.

And you can’t see a man’s spirit
But just because you cannot see it
Doesn’t mean
That it’s not there.

It can burn
Either hot or cold
But still it lives
And still it breathes.

I am dead on the outside
But burning within
As my body grows tired
The spirit grows stronger.

A man who has tasted freedom
Will resist the yoke of slavery
And a man who has tasted death
Will cherish every moment.

The world drags us down
And divides us into parts
Breeding resentment and hatred
Every chance it gets.

Welcome to zero hour
And welcome to the show
Where nothing is at it seems
And the tail wags the dog.

The atmosphere is heavy
And weighs down on the good
Crushing us with obligations
And useless requirements.

Mobs roam the streets
And prey on the defenseless
But no one will tell the truth
About who or why.

The reasons are as obvious as the sun
The same as they always were
Furiously burning in the sky
And boring through space.

Others may lie
And others may apologize
But apologies are for the guilty
And political convenience.

Life without freedom
Kills the spirit
And crushes the soul
A fate worse than death
That lasts only a moment.

Fear and hatred last forever
But so also does love
Strong enough to tell the truth
And brave enough to fight.

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