Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Shadow Box

Shadow Box 9/12/2012

Faces in the smoke
And the future in the water
Symbols and clues
To who we are
And what we will be.

Reflecting backwards
Everything makes sense
But like so many things
The truth is uncovered
After it is too late.

Even a small fire
Produces smoke
And where there is death
The smell shall linger.

I also wonder
At the foolishness of man
So full of vanity
That he can’t see his mistake
Or take notice
Of the end.

Still frantically trying
To live like he always did
Long after
The ships have sailed.

Busily crushing the good
Just for being good
While they praise
The weak
And the violent.

Tip toeing through a minefield
That they themselves created
All because they hate the truth
And themselves.

Self loathing is not new
And lying is as old as a fossil
Nothing new or special
About selling the rope
That they will hang us with.

We can go along for the ride
And coast downhill
Ending at the bottom
Of self inflicted wounds.

Some people can see farther
Because they know where to look
Remember where they have been
And who that they should ask.

And there is no need to read tea leaves
Or stare into a crystal ball
Because an animal is an animal
And God is God.

We aspire to greatness
But fail to exercise responsibility
Sleeping with the devil
And turning our back to the wolves.

But the lamb is stronger than he looks
And this time is for keeps
Riding high upon the clouds
With vengeance on his lips.

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