Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Matterhorn 9/11/2012

Secret thoughts
And secret memories
Race through our minds
As we cradle life in our arms
And death in our heads.

We are tools
And compartmentalized machines
Each with a job
And each with a duty.

Dependent on others
But ignorant of the whole
Just a part of something larger
And horrific.

Used up and thrown away
We are a means to an end
Only as valuable as we are useful
And bribed with the status quo.

Our future is leveraged
And all our labors stolen
As oligarchs manage our decline
Profiting every inch of the way.

A civilization of suicide
Leaning forward into oblivion
Rotting from the inside out
Unrecognizable and foreign.

Teetering on the edge
Of self indulgent waste
Used up as collateral
For a debt
No one can pay.

But the good shall survive
Even in this
And even now
No matter what
And no matter when.

Though evil may dance in the street
And even though he may mock and murder
God shall snatch away his life
Gone in an hour
And never remembered.

Today is another day
And there are no surprises
As the paint starts to peel
We shall see the true colors.

A secret few
Will make all the difference
Larger than life
And stronger than death.

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