Thursday, September 20, 2012

Sawlog Survivors

Sawlog Survivors 9/20/2012

The whirlwinds came
And lashed against the walls
But still they stood
Year after year.

Howling winds
And bitter blizzards attacked
But still planks held
And remained in place.

The rains and the heat
Of countless summer days
Bleached out the wood
And backed in the sun.

But still the buildings stand
Relics and ruins
Haunting the conscience of a nation
Long forgotten
And alone.

They have been abandoned
But they are not forgotten
As I drove by endless mile
After endless mile.

Ghosts may fly in
And fly out
Holding on to the past
And refusing to let go.

With names unknown
And stories unremembered
Yet still they remain
Loyal and defiant.

It was here that they struggled
And it was here that they died
Building something out of nothing
Never willing to leave
Memories dark and dusty.

I have left
But a part of me remains
The strongest part
Unreconstructed and free.

God gave us a heart
And infused us with spirit
With hands to build
And the vision to create.

Many shall come
And many shall go
but even the masses cannot stand
Longer than truth
And longer than God.

So shall stand
The witness in the fields
Haunting and perfect.

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