Friday, October 28, 2011

A day dream

Day Dream 10/28/2011

It is the strangest feeling
To feel separate from yourself
To look at your life from a distance
Detached from time.

To look at your body
Apart from your soul
As if in a picture
One dimensional and remote.

To view the past
And watch it run its course
Flowing forwards and then backwards
And there is nothing you can do.

Reliving the moments
That you can never take back
And playing them over
Again and again.

By a thin silver chord
Invisible but real
My spirit suspended in this body
Through a silent worm hole of chance
The route through which I was born
And I shall die.

Through it even the greatest distance
Is but a second away
But there is more next to us
Than anything we can see.

A strange connection between
The seen and unseen
And a synchronicity
That we know
But can’t be explained.

People can debate
And they can also argue
But those who have truly lived
Cannot be manipulated by words.

And I know that I have lived
And also I have loved
Loving enough to suffer
And more than enough to lose.

But the battle is fought
Every morning and every night
And every moment in between
In the countless opportunities
To give or take.

To see the consequence
And understand the burdens
Constricted by character
And conviction.

To live through experience
And also observation
And to know
That even though battles are lost
The war is not over.

Everything I have ever thought or done
Exists right next to me
Growing and spreading
Into my future.

A transformative knowledge
Has opened my eyes
And no longer do I doubt
But now I know.

The truth has come out
And it is bigger than death
A larger truth
Undeniable and sublime.

Thursday, October 27, 2011


Derailed 12/27/2011

The train wreck has left the station
And everything seems fine
But I already know what will happen
And I am content to wait.

It slowly picks up speed
And the passengers seem safe and sound
Looking out the windows
And waving goodbye.

But they are not paying attention
And do not know the course
Unaware of the engineer
And what he really wants.

The track ahead is mysterious
And the passes are shrouded in fog
High up in the moutains
And winding down the sides.

There have been warnings
And in our hearts we can sense
That something is wrong
But like so many other times
We think ourselves in circles
Adn lack the conviction
To do what is right.

We let nature take its course
and I know how it feels
Becuase I also have ridden the train
Day dreaming as we started to move
And never sure about what to do.

I didn't want to make decisions
And I didn't want the pain
So I let my mind drift
And thought it would be okay.

I wanted to escape
And I lived in my emotions
Dreaming through my days
Half awake and drinking.

Fueled by whiskey
My heart was on fire
Surging through me
Like Magma
Ready to erupt.

I thought I was invincible
And nothing could ever hurt me
Diving headlong into the nothingness
Inside of myself.

Oblivion draws us
Like a moth to flame
A void that pulls like gravity
Into a bottomless black.

We stoke the boilers
Until they can take no more
Glowing with heat
As we melt the tracks
Faster and faster.

As hot as it can run
Without exploding in our face
As we pick up the speed of demons
Metal on metal
Like an earthquake on wheels.

The skeleton crew is working
Just as fast as they can
Unafraid of any hell
Or what any man might do.

This is what they mean
By a frieght train
Thundering down the tracks
Like a great black whirlwind
That uproots the trees
And explodes the houses.

The train will derail
And nothing can stop it now.
Carried forwards by the momentum
And killing everything in its way.

One thing leads to another
And soon it is too late
Committed to a suicidal journey
Moving too fast for jumping
With no safe place to land.

No one wants to admit
That they were wrong
So they stay in their seats
And no one gets off alive.

For they are trapped by inaction
And resign themselves to fate
For few are those with the courage
To live through their mistakes.

I bailed over the side
And broke myself on the rocks
But it's not as bad
As it seems
Just another beginning
With everything that really matters
Still ahead.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Kansas 10/25/2011

Follow the black ribbon highway
Across a dry and thirsty land
As it stretches out into the nothingness
Back to the place
Where I was born.

Endlessly growing into the horizon
We can trace back the line
But no man can ever go backwards
Without losing something first.

The loss is the first thing
the thing that finally grows us
And the thing that helps us heal
But at a cost so great
We barely survive.

The road to the future
Is made in the past
Coming from where we were
And made by who we are.

I push myself along
Even though I am tired
And want to rest
Dragging lots of heavy baggage
the kind you can't leave behind.

It is now a part of me
A part I cannot lose
A hovering black cloud above me
And a memory I bear.

Time itself grinds on
And turns bones into dust
Chewing up all we built
And slowly crushing all.

The road to hell
leads in many directions
Because not all roads lead to God
But rather that is the hard one
The steep and rugged path
That weighs down every step.

I remember the route
And I remember the feel
As I turn back the clock
And drive into the black.

A dark and dusky memory
That falls like a hammer
A cold day in May
When we buried our mother.

We saw the old farmhouse
Abandoned and haunting
But I was the only one
Who dared go inside.

The wood was rotted
As I walked through the rooms
Tracing her steps
And going back in time.

I had to pry the door open
To find the rickety stairs
Barely wide enough for me to climb
As I ascended into her dreams.

I made it to the top
And I saw the rotted beds
Back where my mother slept
A little orphan of the plains.

It is a strange feeling
And its meaning changes with time
Morphing into a new beginning
In the son
I hold in my hands.

We found her mothers grave
And there we buried her ashes
At last reunited
In the dust of the earth.

There must be a heaven
And I shall see you all there
A place better than this world
Upside down and backwards.

A place without pain and loss
With plenty of water and laughter
Where no one dies of cancer
And slowly starves to death.

The world is full of pain
But regret is the worst of all
Because no one ever forgets
What costs them the most.

She remembered the dust storms
And she remembered a barren land
Gritty enough to fight
But tender enough to love.

A Whirlwind took Greensburg
But old Dodge still remains
The place where they raised me
Stronger than where I am.

Courage, determination, and persistence
That is what they had
Building up from nothing
Without anyone to help.

To them
I owe my life
And to them I returned
Knowing every road
And feeling every mile.

Many shall come
And many shall steal
But even a few
As solid as iron
Can withstand the many.

I have a heart
That is loyal until the end
And I have a brain
That sees and knows.

Courage is in me
And pain has made me stronger
And my broken heart
Has sewn itself back together
Bringing me back
And bringing me home.

Let them do their worst
Because the heart matters more
Formed from the seed
That dies in the ground.

I am grown from the inside out
And I am the harvest of my times
Unafraid and staring straight dead level
Even if hell shall come.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Don't Ask and Red Dragon

Don't Ask and Red Dragon 10/21/2011

Don't Ask

No wants the rejected
And a poor man remains alone
Because any man of honor
Has few options
If he has any soul.

The shameless find a way
And they shall find their partners
Because they never miss an opportunity
To lie, manipulate, and steal.

A man without a conscience
Leaves not anything to chance
His faith only in his actions
And his heart empty and shallow.

They do not know love
Becuase they never had it
But only love to possess
And only give to receive.

Don't ask the lonely
If they believe in happy endings
And don't tell them about love
And how much giving can mean.

I have heard those words before
but those are a luxury
That I cannot afford
A far off dream
Incomplete and dead.

What good would it do
To explain why I am here
And what purpose would it serve
To tell you how much it hurt.

Indifference is the worst
And how it eats away the heart
Because we forget what we have done
And stand on shifting sand.

But some actions are more egregious
And some are more disgusting
Because of the motive
And because of the cruelty.

I stand and tread water
But I have no relief at all
Without anyone to touch
Or hold.

I can barely remember
What it is to be safe
Living from day to day
And always under the gun.

They say that pain
Makes us stronger
And that tears
Make us brave.

but I am tired and lonely
And nothing matters at all
With nothing left worth stealing
And no pleasure at all.

The past is dangled before me
Like some kind of cruel temptation
And I linger on
Forever struggling
Against the current.

I throw myself upsteam
And bloody myself on the rocks
Forever falling backwards
And never coming home.

There is nothing more shameful
Than to suffer all alone
In a fishbowl full of people
Who don't care at all.

How I long for the deep water
The kind full of mystery
With endless possibilities
And hope.

But I just bleed in the shallows
And live on what I am given
Without any affection
And drowning all alone.

The days go by
And I no longer count
The weeks months and years
Adding up to yesterday.

Exhausted by the worry
And worn down by the strain
As I scramble from crises to crises
And never have enough.

They know that I suffer
But it will never be enough
As long as I breathe
I am reminded
Just how much
I'll never have.

The sideways smiles are gone
And all conversations are strained
And everyone who sees me
Can tell my shame and want.

I want to hide
But there is no place to go
And I want to dissappear
So that they will not see
And they will never know.

It is but the smallest distance
And it is by the smallest chance
That I am rejected and alone
A pariah one dimensional and gone.

A man reduced down to nothing
And thrown away like a rag
One I wear every day
And weep with every night.

My truth is forgotten
And air brushed out of time
My words ignored
Day after day.

If no one ever reads
And no one understands
The my times are wasted
And I die with empty hands.

Spiritually murdered
And drug around
As the good are mocked
By the weak and the cruel.

Tonight I shall close my eyes
And I shall see the end
As I rise once more
In search of blood.

Red Dragon 10/21/2011

It all comes undone
As death rules the land
Raising its bloody head
With a grinning white skull.

The truth was long known
But they chose to keep it secret
The words and the warning
That could have made all the difference
And changes how it ends.

The fire is lit
And the emporer is naked
Because he has taken off the lid
On an endless jar of horrors.

No one is watching
And no one cares to notice
Blinded by the carnage
And shocked into silence.

The mobs rule the street
And murder the innocent
Possessed with a hatred
That only hell could create.

They lie and blame others
But its all part of the plan
Just one peice of the puzzel
Emboldened by the good
Who refuse to tell the truth.

Even evil men die
But what is coming is worse
As blood fills the streets
And no one says a word.

Everything falls into place
Exactly as the prophets said
Even though we did not listen
And all the saints are dead.

Many are deceived
And how foolishly they follow
As they are funneled into a dogma
That all history condemns.

They lie and they lie
And destory the work of centuries
In the blink of an eye
Because they know that good prevails
So they must have control
To change how it ends.

They want to have the power
To decide life and death
So all outcomes can be predicted
Over and over again.

They want to steal
And they want to destroy
Erasing all the truth
For a great big lie.

They have rotted the good
From the inside out
Trading light for darkness
And the good for the bad.

They attack and insult
And ignore all ethical restraint
For the end justifies the means
In the struggle for the soul.

They have torn down the good
And trod upon the sacred
Mocking the faithful
And tormenting all the wounded.

They have descrated every beauty
With tasteless displays
Mutiliating all with excess
Just to prove their worth
That they should already know.

Evil is loosed
And runs rampant on the earth
Taking all he can
In a rush to destruction.

The fire burns
And spreads in all directions
Engulfing the good and the bad
And the innocent as well.

We forget our purpose
And cower behind a rock
Holding on to our life
The one we can never keep.

Because we are spirits
Living a human dream
Here for the experience
And waiting for eternity.

Let the dragon come
And let him kill me
If he will
And if he can.

Because I would rather die
Than lose my soul
Either by my inaction
Or in my sleep.

Friday, October 14, 2011

The Black Blizzard

The Black Blizzard 10/14/2011

Without rain
The soil turns to sand
Blowing in the wind
Like a black blizzard of death.

Autumn can be full of color
But this year
It has a deathly pallor
White, gray, and brown
Blending in with the carcasses
On the side of the road.

A sickly sweet smell
Hangs in the trees
Bleached out by the sun
Dried out and shrunken
Decaying into the earth
And blowing in the dust.

But there must be more than that
And I know it is there
Invisible to the naked eye
Bursting with life
And color.

Some people feel
And some people know
But it is the haunted
Who have secrets
And only they know why.

Because you don't need secrets
Unless you have something to hide
But nothing is hidden forever
Not from the dead
And not from God.

The dead know the secrets
and the dead know the truth
Even though you cannot hear
Unless you listen to the ground.

They whisper in the trees
Just out of our range
Heard only by the animals
Who run wild with fear.

The sense the changes
And feel the strange vibrations
Running in circles
Ahead of the storm.

The diesembodied spirits
Come to dwell in our heads
Living a life by proxy
And controlling all our dreams.

A dreamland that never sleeps
Because we think that it is real
And a sleep that never awakens
To find out who we are.

My body is but a vessel
Chosen by the secret self
An emobiment of traits
That resemble the truth.

A double life
And a double mind
One living in the here and now
And one living forever.

One trapped in debt and despair
Judged, regulated, and separated
And one soaring above
Unfettered and unhurt.

The spirit is stronger
And the spirit is defiant
Spreading out his iron wings
Silent, sure
And hidden from view.

A false world
With false gods, and false heroes
Propped up by lies
And false accomplishments.

We are told north is south
And south is north
That right is wrong
And wrong is right.

The strong may pretend weakness
But the weak always want to be strong
Always waiting for an opportunity
To attack from behind.

A wise man needs not praise
And he needs not adoration
But works in the silence
To do what is right.

A black blizzard is coming
But it is better to face it
Than it is to run
Turning into the wind
Fearless and alive.

Death has no power
It is but a transient moment
And if we can know that
Then what is there to fear.

What can man do to us?
That we must live in fear
And what kind of horror?
Can ever defeat eternity.

If we live
Then we know
What it feels like
To be hurt and live alone.

We know and we remember
Just how much love can give
And how much the world can take
But still we live
And still we survive.

Somewhere out there
Is the other life
Close enough to touch
But unseen.

A second life
Without the heaviness
And colors more beautiful
Than any we have known.

Look inside past the ugliness
And you will see with your heart
Inside the eyes of the spirit
In the center of our mind.

A vision of a new world
That will avenge the murdered
And end all agony
Stopping all suffering
And all this painful longing.

It is true
And the minds eye
You can see the truth
The truth we have always known
But are taught to disbelieve.

Everything is not as it seems
And the truth is but a heartbeat away
A reckoning and a realignment
That can be ours
In the here and in the now.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The Death Clock

The Death Clock 10/12/2011

Tick tock goes the clock
But it doesn't mean a thing
Just another measurement
That we don't understand.

What measure my days
Doesn't measure my time
Because time is nothing
But a prelude
To eternity.

We don't see everything
And the smallest of particles
Move in different directions
The spirit and the soul
Imperceptible and translucent.

The tiniest of sparks
Travels across dimensions
And brings life to the womb
As the cells subdivide
And make us who we are.

On a silver cord hangs the balance
Between the light and the darkness
A choice clearer than reason
Between who we are
And what we want.

More free
That we have ever known
And more alive
Than any pound of flesh.

A secret flame of being
Traveling in a ball of light
Containing all potentialities
Unseen and unknown.

That we live and know
Is proof enough for me
That there is a reason
And that there is a plan.

I am here
And these thoughts
Pour out in words
The only thing that lasts
And the only thing thats real.

The choice is mine
Whether I choose life or death
Because many are those
who sleep forever
And few are those
Who awaken.

What is real
And what is fake
Is easy to see
But not for those
Who poison themselves.

We find what we search for
And man always seeks
The easy road home
In any kind of justice
That directly benefits himself.

To speak the real truth
Is to welcome any hatred
And there are many
Who would kill
If only they could.

There is but a thin membrane
Between the potential
And the actual
With nothing much in between
Except opportunity
And ability.

Genocide can only happen
When the tipping poinnt is reached
And the savage nature of man
Takes power from the good.

If the good are silent
And abdicate their will
Evil spirals in the void
Dragging us down
In the vortex of hell.

We struggle against more than man
And we fight with more than guns or bombs
Because there is more than what we see
In the realm of the spirits
And the ghosts in our heads.

In places we cannot see
The enemy comes in undetected
Destroying us
From the inside out.

Floating ideas and emotions
Against every single weakness
Leading us with double thoughts
Until we cannot ever hear
The truth.

The smallest of steps
Lead from one to another
Until we are far from
Where we were
And even farther
From where we should have been.

I shall welcome the hatred
Because now I see the reasons
A laughable waste of effort
Poured out
Like water on a rock.

The choice is ours
And we get to make it
Every single day
Either for climbing up
Or for falling down.

That we may lose
Is a given
But what we gain is greater
Because we have learned
And now we act.

Time passed by
And nothing we have made
Shall ever last forever
Eroding downstream
Into nothingness.

But what we choose now
Spreads outward
Into the million chances more
Building something unseen
That lasts forever.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The Corn Maze

The Corn Maze 10/11/2011

The clouds were low
And the afternoon was cool
The sky heavy with a chance of rain
And charged with anticipation.

You could smell the wood burning
Even from the barn
And we pulled up the benches
In a circle around the fire.

We told stories that I can't remember
And I ran my fingers through her hair
Soft and silky
And black as a raven.

Dark and dusky the sun surrendered
And ten thousand stars
Spread out above us
Sparkling like diamonds
Close enough to touch.

We ran through the corn field
And took turns with the whiskey
Drinking deeply the sweet and sour
Under a velvety darkness
Both thrilling and haunting.

We rolled around
And I lost my ring
Gone forever in the dirt
But I didn't care
And we laughed and laughed.

Unforgettable is the memory
Of wet earth and smoke
Inbetween my toes
And on my clothes.

We were drunk
With the fire of youth
Falling asleep on the hay
And listening to the rain.

The morning came
And we drove home
Using a wool horse blanket
To keep away the cold.

Memories make men foolish
And fuel secret longings
Bordering on madness
More regretfull than romantic.

Because we destroy ourselves
Over and over again
And only long after
Do we understand
And desperately dig up the pieces
Out of the trash.

But you can't build
Something out of nothing
And with time
All dreams pass away
Irretrievably lost.

The big skies have closed in
And I am far away
Older but still
Just as uncomfortable
With no place to hide.

In the city you can't see the stars
But sometimes I sleep with the windows open
Letting my thoughts drift
Wild and free.

I sleep and smile
Because I have finally learned
That anticipation will always quicken the heart
But reality feels just fine.

Friday, October 7, 2011

American Monster

American Monster 10/7/2011

People on the street
Don't know me at all
And that is how I like it
Just another man
Underneath the radar.

And most of those I know
Don't really know the truth
Because they never look too deep
And don't know how to see.

You see there is something inside
Something deep, dark, and hidden
Packed up in the secret self
The part struggling to break free.

That part most of us have
That part we keep hidden
Safely in a glass jar
With the lid screwed down tight.

Like a cap on a volcano
I have repressed
My most passionate emotions
Boiling beneath the surface
And ready to explode.

Stored under pressure
And compacted in every space
The feelings behind the thoughts
And the thoughts behind the ideas.

On the surface is my sarcasm
And out of my mouth
Comes the irony
But inside burns
The fire of creativity
Unexpressed and growing.

I am ready
And I am willing
No longer do I care
What anyone might think
Or what anyone might do.

There are greater battles to be fought
Than what we hear about
And there are bigger mysteries
that what we think about
Hidden in plain sight
And twice as deadly.

But even though they don't know
They can surely sense it
Becuase my body can barely contain me
As I grow larger every day.

A fearless sense of purpose
And an unflinching resolve
As I walk a little faster
With a sinister grin.

Yes there is something inside me
And if they looked me in the eyes
I would burn them straight through
Because then they would know
What I know.

Because I know them
And I know why
And they can tell
When they see me
That I would eat them whole.

We are all more than we seem
But for most of us
That part is sleeping
Seldom used
If at all.

But I am awakened
And there is no turning back
A force greater than myself
Has grabbed me
And will never let go.

I am alive
And I am aware
No longer a stranger
And no longer alone.

The who that is in me
Is greater than this world
Opening my eyes
And heightening my senses.

Something has transformed inside
And I will never be the same
But then it must be for a reason
And not just for me.

My eyes see more
Than shapes and colors
And I look a little deeper
That what is on the surface.

Inside my eyes burn with fire
And my teeth become as fangs
Armed with a truth
And more determined than ever.

The spirit is strong
And the ghost travels inside
Waging a silent war
In places unseen
And unknown.

Thursday, October 6, 2011


Nameless 10/6/2011 Just a five minute ramble...

I am nameless
But it is probably better that way
Because names don't really matter
If there is nothing to sell
And nothing to buy.

The best words
Don't need a title
Becuase they come from a place
Of fast moving shadows
And only come out
To live and breathe.

An ordinairy life
In extraordinary times
A witness to the many
B0th the good
And the bad.

Living them through
And reading what they feel
Remembering each nuance
And counting all the scars.

Thoughts and memories
Make us who we are
And for those who remember
There is little choice
But to speak, swallow, or die.

People come and go
In and out of life
Against the odds of eternity
That we would ever meet.

But I have felt the warmth
Of their love
And seen the light
Of their vision.

In as much as I could learn
I have learned
And in as much as I could experience
I have relished.

It is hard to say goodbye
And it is never easy to go
But the greatest journeys
Are the ones
We take alone.

A walk through the shadows
Without any way home
With no one to hold
Or to be held by.

But I am not the only one
Who has done the same
And if the spirits are willing
Then you shall see why.

There are ghosts who walk
In the realities of the present
And in the shadows of the past
Giving us a glimpse
Into the world
That is yet to come.

There is a quickening
Inside our souls
And there is a change
You can feel.

A whisper
Through the glass
In the back of our minds
Warning us
About a future
Thin and fragile.

There are many things
That we just cannot control
But there are always things you can
Because anything for another's dignity
Means more in the end.

The big dreams and small actions
That make up who we are
But even the least of these
That honor the good
Are amplified by time.

Because even the smallest of sparks
Can start the greatest of fires
And even the smallest kindness
Can start the world anew.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Sudden Ellipse

Sudden Ellipse 10/4/2011

The earth travels around the sun
And the silent have yet to speak
Another day running in place
Spinning backwards and almost home.

What was lost will return
And what we now have
Will disappear
Rolling back into alignment
And starting all over again.

Everything has a meaning
And everything has a purpose
Even though we cannot see it
And pretend not to care.

The voices of the past
Are still there
Echoing forever
Out into space.

Time bends around
Just like space
Where light cannot reach
And we cannot see.

Everything that ever was
And everyone that ever lived
Exist in another place and time
Waiting for another beginning.

I too have traveled
A long journey into the night
Through the dark agonizing hours
Tilted away from the sun.

I stared into an orange sunset
And smashed my fist into my hand
Disappointed with life
And disappointed with God.

But I am forgiven
and I have journeyed
Through a long reconciliation
Back to where I belong
But still a stranger
And sad.

I have found what I lost
And I shall find more
No matter how long I wait
All will return.

There is a peace
That I have found
One that I never knew before
A calm and quiet knowledge
That good shall survive.

Just because there is silence
Doesn't mean that no one hears
And just because I must wait
Doesn't mean that I have lost.

Patience is the hardest thing
That I have ever learned
Mourning over lost dreams
That have always returned.

All the people I knew
Will return
One at a time
Both the living
And the dead.

Returning to the beginning
The one we should have had
Another chance
In the opposite direction.

There is a time to think
And now is the time
To imagine what awaits
Just around the curve.

Time to prepare
For the next revolution
And time to reconcile
With the past.

To embrace
And forgive
But also to change
And adjust.

For even this time
Shall turn again
And judgment will bring
Everything around.

The good shall be vindicated
And many of the mighty
Shall fall by their weight
Over and again
And never to rise.

The last turn
Shall end all tears
And endless circles
Bringing us back
To the right direction.

Into another age
On the other side of dreams
Through the center of the universe
And into a new world.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Hide Your Eyes

Hide Your Eyes 10/3/2011

If you are worried about a lie
Then be sure and hide your eyes
And if you are afraid of the truth
Then go ahead and pretend.

Find something small and fake
Just so you can forget
Cover it up with a shallow gloss
And make it up
All over again.

A thin veneer separates
A whole world of truth
Just a piece of plastic film
Transparent like cellophane.

Wrap it tightly
So that I can't breath
But it doesn't even matter
Becuase you can't forget
What isn't even there.

We think no one knows
So we put on a show
Hiding the truth
Adn hiding our eyes.

Running away
And running scared
As they will
And as they should.

They don't know
Adn I don't care
Because the truth is out
And I don't scare.

You pay attention to appearance
But ignore whats inside
So you make sure everyone sees
But you never forget
To hide your eyes.

If there is no answer
Then I know why
No matter what is said
Or unsaid.

I have made up my mind
And I am coming home
Coming home fast
And coming in hot.

The steel wheels
Grind against the ground
And the engine is straining
In its mounts
But I am not scared
And nothing can stop me now.

My heart is stronger
And my spirit is stronger still
Better than the ugliness
And better than the fraud.

I will see the end come
And my hands know how to squeeze
Tighter and tighter
Until the heart stops
And the end is done.

Hide your eyes
And pretend its not your fault
Hide your eyes
And say it doesn't hurt.

Behind the vision
There is no remorse
A cold and fierce vengeance
Coming back to claim the truth
And coming back
Full of fury.

The winds whip up
A cloud of dust
And inside your world shall crumble
Even if you are quiet
And even if
You hide your eyes.

Deadneck Anthem

Deadneck Anthem 10/3/2011

I wanted to write
About something better
Maybe something happy
About sunny afternoons
And the fruit of the sun.

But this place and time is different
And life has brought me low
So I sit in my office
And write about the pain.

Outside the world is beautiful
A perfect fall day
The streets full of people
Who walk, talk, and laugh.

But for me, life has split into pieces
And I am a different man
The person who walked
And the person who laughed
Has died and gone away.

The kid who was born in Kansas
Adn grew up on the priarie
Who spent weekends at Cedar Bluff
Adn rode down the alleys
On his bike or board.

He went to school
And grew into someone else
Smashed, crushed
Bruised, and bloodied
Never really exploring who he was
Or expressing what he felt.

His life and times are gone forever
Irretrievably broken and lost
Washed away
And painted over
Into something gray
And something worse.

I was a student
Nameless and faceless
Unable to really know
Without living it through.

Now that I have lived
I know what I want
But now it seems just foolish
As I sit sifting through the wreckage
And the ruins of the past.

The suffering has been hard
And the dying to self
Has taken forever
Losing everything I loved
In slow painful degrees.

Overtime love should deepen
Because we accept and understand
But not all of us have the heart
Or love enough to know.

But death has set my spirit free
And this ghost no longer worries
About what anyone might think
But instead burns with a passion
That can never die away.

Let the fire dance in the sky
Adn let the world catch on fire
Fusing all these thoughts together
In a great ball of emotion
Exploding into a million words.

Let the colors splash on the page
Vivid, bright and passionate
Grabbing you by the guts
And never letting go.

Let the clouds gather
And pour out their wrath
Beating upon the roofs
In a silver sheet of rain.

Let the words come
And shake the earth to its core
Exposing every truth
And every single lie.

Cutting through
Like a sword
Piercing the fog
Illuminating all the hidden
And bathing me in light.

The invisible particiles shall dance
And float in a column of light
As the world tilts sideways
And the skies clap with thunder.

Tossing the seas upon the shore
In a thunderous wall
Wiping away all we built
Leaving the sand clean
Pink and white.

Clearing out the holes
And flooding all the pits
Flushing out all the cowards
Who have all run away.

The cage is open
And the chains are on the floor
Free to speak
Loud, passionate, and clear.

Unbreakable is the spirit
No matter what can happen
Rising through the ashes
And burning in the sky.

I shall write about the truth
Adn I shall write about love
Not what it used to be
But what it must be.

Something undeniable
And written in the sky
Unadulterated and true.

No lie can stand against it
And no argument can change it
Just as true as it always was
And impossible to ignore.

Something bigger than me
And something greater than the world
And uncontrollable.