Thursday, June 29, 2017


Clockwork           6/29/2017

Under the earth
And under the sea
Partially buried
And rusting away. 

The secrets of the past
Sunk in the deep
Hidden in the abyss
Dead and forbidden. 

Memory fights
Against forgetting
Crumbling with time
And willful ignorance. 

The powerful get away
Because of who they buy
And who they cannot buy
They intimidate or kill.

Assured of victory
They ride on high
Lifted by the ignorant
And the shallow. 

Paid off cheap
To jump and follow. 
Bought and sold
Like a herd of cattle. 

Covered by others
Despite obvious corruption
The creatures of the deep
And masters of deception. 

They stack the deck
And stage us a show
Just to keep it all going
For another day
And hour. 

But there is nothing
So well hidden
That it will not be revealed
Every single lie
And every single murder.

The wheels turn slowly
But they are turning now
Closer and closer
To the final call
Of truth and disclosure.

Thursday, June 22, 2017

A sideways smile

Sideways Smile              6/22/2017

All out
And all down
In a single great effort
We try
And we fail.

Leaping up
Without stretched arms
Straining as far as we can
To grasp
And hold. 

Inside our head
It is the same
As we build thoughts
In buildings
That no one can see. 

I string the words together
And hope they convey
This feeling
Of exertion and emotion
Raw, painful,
And beautiful. 

The sheer blast
Of who we are
More than what you can see
And measure. 

That slippery
And illusory feeling
That passes in an instant
When time
Stands still. 

A scar upon memory
That never goes away
Long after dreams pass
And anger fades.

At full cry
The bloom is vivid
And the world beautiful
Breathtakingly perfect
And immortal. 

And that is why
I try
Even though
Words fail
And my fingers slip.

I drink it up
And I drain it down
All of it good
Rich, thick, and pure.

Everything we see
And everything we have
Will one day
And dissolve.

But the gift
That precious spark
Burns forever
Even in heartbreak
And even in the dark. 

The flicker
Is in the blood
And now I feel it surge
Fast and hot
And dripping on the page. 

Living well
And living full
Finishing strong
At the top of the hill. 

Gravity has no power
And death no longer smiles
Already defeated
And already afraid. 

It is me that smiles
And it is me that bleeds
A full blooded ghost
With everyone I love
And everything I need. 

Blood will tell

A better version 

Blood Sample    6/22/2017

Sometimes I think of dreams
And they become memories
Shifting from time to place
And scattered like pearls
At the bottom of the ocean. 

I did not know
All that I had
And now that I know
It is too late. 

Looking backwards
Across the dimensions
I can see, what could have been
Lost along the way. 

But even if I found it
What would I be now
A completely different man
In a completely different world.   

The self, shaped by events
Both happy
And sad
Fat or wounded
Sick or strong. 

Perhaps this is the best
That I ever might be
With nothing to offer
But blood on a page.   

Living and loving
Winning and losing
Each half a treasure
Waiting to be

Turning and turning
To see the other side
I breathe deep on the shore
Spent by the struggle
Head above water. 

But rich
In a way
That can’t be measured
The potential spirit
Unleashed, and unafraid.   

Regret hurts
But the longing
Is worse
Grabbing you by the guts
And pulling them out.   

I try
But in the end
It will never be enough
And so I just keep on
And bleeding. 

Each drop 
Squeezed out
The hard way
One beat
At a time. 

Approval and praise
They are nothing at all
Nothing but dangling carrots
For others peoples greed.

But God,
God is the truth
And shines above all
The one thing we cannot lose
No matter how hard
We try. 

I gave up
And I gave in
Tossing and turning 
Alone on the couch.

Nothing but a white worm
Crawling along a razor
With nothing left to lose
And no will
To fight. 

Sleeplessly sweating
Through a long dark night
In a haunted house
Of numberless dreams. 

Years have passed
Since that night
But it was then
That something changed
And something broke. 

Someday we will know
And someday we will see
At last fully understood
And fully free. 

Until then, we wait
And fumble in the dark
Chasing after mirages
And running from doubt. 

In a perfect time
And in a perfect place
None of this will matter
All forgiven
And all forgotten.   

Blood Sample

Blood Sample               6/22/2017

Sometimes I think of dreams
And sometimes memories
Can become a dream
Lost like scattered pearls
At the bottom of the ocean. 

I did not know
All that I had
And now that I know
It is almost too late. 

Looking backwards
Across the memories
I feel for what I could have been
And lost along the way. 

But even if I had
What would I know now
A completely different man
In a completely different time. 

We are shaped by events
Both in winning
But also in losing
Through the suffering
As well the fat. 

Perhaps this is the best
And that is what makes me think
Bleeding out
On a blank page. 

I have lived  
And I loved
Losing and gaining
Precious treasures
Sparkling in my mind. 

Thrown on the rocks
I breathe deep upon the shore
Spent by the struggle
Head above water. 

The treasure is missing
But also inside
The kind you cannot measure
Or hide. 

Regret hurts
But the longing
Is worse
Grabbing you by the guts
And twisting. 

I tried
But even in trying
It will never be enough
And in the end
I still sit
And bleed. 

These words
Each one is a drop
Squeezed out
The hard way
One beat
At a time. 

Approval and praise
They are nothing at all
Nothing but dangling carrots
For others peoples greed.

But God is the truth
And shines above all
The one thing I cannot lose
No matter how hard
I try. 

I gave up
And I gave in
Turning over and over
Alone on the couch.

Nothing but a white worm
Crawling on a razor
With nothing left to lose
And no will
To fight. 

Sleeplessly sweating
Through a long dark night
In a haunted house
Of numberless dreams. 

Years have passed
Since that night
But something changed
And something broke
Split in half
And up in smoke. 

I am full
Even if wanting
And now I wait
Even when alone. 

Someday we will know
And someday we will see
At last fully understood
And fully free. 

Until then, we wait
And fumble in the dark
Chasing after mirages
And running from doubt. 

In a perfect time
And in a perfect place
None of this will matter
All forgiven
And all forgotten.    

Wednesday, June 21, 2017


Useless           6/21/2017

Useless as a dirty rag
Indifferently dropped
And then forgotten
Lost to time
Worthless and limp. 

That is the feeling
Much worse than hatred
To be forgotten
And wasted.

Some will hate
With searing intensity
But what is worse?
Than to be casually
Like a Kleenex.

The feeling stays
With me
An invisible burn
Inside my head.

I cannot forget it
And though I walk
I am damaged
And reduced.

A worm
In the shadows
Of darkness
Dragging myself over glass
Slow and painful.  . 

Follow the razor
And maybe you might see
The stunning reality
For you
And for me. 

That in the end
To them
We are nothing
Nothing but a commodity
And a burden. 

Praised when needed
And jettisoned at will
The individual reminders
Lost along the way. 

Kept lowly
By the gatekeepers
And the fake elite
Managers instead of leaders
One dimensional cutouts
Venal and dim.

People keep talking
But all of it
Is nothing
Sinking deeper and deeper
Into dust. 

Measuring this
And measuring that
We track and we grow
All of it useless
And dead in the snow. 

Once I dreamed
And once I planned
But all of it was a lie
And all of it a joke. 

Nothing but
An evaporated mist
Rising up
And blown away. 

We live
And we lose
Of the meaning. 

Slotted in
And slotted out
In an ever tightening
Heading for something
We do not understand.    

Unprepared and unaware
We do not know
Who to ask
And what
To believe.   

But even in loss
The good still win
Because they know who
And they know how.