Thursday, January 26, 2017


The Sanctuary         1/26/2017

Some will never see
Because they hate the truth
More loyal to hate
Than integrity.

Nothing but a vacuum
Giving only to get
Lying every day
And plotting every night.

Selling their souls
For money and power
The evil and the dead
Rotten and corrupt
Over spent
And over fed.

Anything to win
And anything to steal
The shallow ciphers
Taking all they can. 

Selling us out
In exchange for power
Small men
Without a soul. 

Laughing in their castles
Protected and secure
They look the other way
While we suffer
And die. 

Open your eyes
And see the killers rage
All who harbor true hatred
Full of accusations
And obvious lies. 

Unable to see
The log in their eyes
Deluded by pride
And tribal narcissism.

I put on my white hat
And now I take my place
Standing in the gap
Even when it hurts
And even under attack. 

Fools lash out
Because that is all they do
Unable to argue
Much less prove. 

Protecting murderers
And harboring rapists
The enemy within
Jealous, hateful
Limited and dumb.  

Look to the sides
And look over your shoulder
Always ready
And always awake. 

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