Thursday, January 19, 2017

One if by Sea

One if by Sea                             1/19/2017

30 seconds to wait
Without a minute to spare
Another day under the gun
Unrepentant and unaware.

Who has the courage
To shout it out loud
The truth of the times
Dangerous and dumb.

We could have had it all
But we let it all go
Downwardly mobile
Inside and out. 

Far easier it is to fall
Than it is to climb
And it is no easy thing
To pull out of a dive.

Spiraling down
Faster and faster
In an ever widening tragedy
The disaster of accidents

Unloved and unworthy
Unremembered and discarded
The filthy rag
Rotting in the trash. 

That is how I was
And that is how I am
The rejected fish
Swimming sideways
In a sewer.

I survive
For a reason
I do not know
Hidden at a crossroads
Head down
In sadness.

It hurts to ask
And it hurts to try
Because it always ends the same
Almost there
Or not at all.

The water flows
Under the bridge
And under the ground
Endlessly cycling
Up and and down.

We are all waiting for something
And sometimes we have doubts
Self-censoring ourselves
Into oblivion. 

Rising up
In invisible smoke rings
The silent suffering
Of the many
And the dead. 

Burn another off
And wait if you can
Because patience is everything
And desperation

Help us all
To know
When, where and how
Faithful all the way
No matter what.

We pray
Today and forever
And defiant.

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