Tuesday, January 10, 2017


Countdown        1/10/2017

Minute by minute 
And hour by hour
We watch the clock
Full of dread.

Ten, nine, eight,
And seven
We wait till is passes
And hold 
All our breath. 

Anxious for an ending
In the middle of our beginning
Always waiting 
And full of fear.  

Many things happen
In the middle of the night
Both good and bad
Raw and horrific. 

Some men
Have no morals
And some men
Have no soul.

Hateful and cruel
Deceitful and shallow
Cravenly plotting
To obfuscate
And destroy. 

Adding on
But never taking away
The evil of man
Doubled minded
And dumb.

Always tearing down
But never lifting up
The cut off their own arm
Just to hurt
Who they hate.

Killing many
In fits of rage
The evil of the damned
Living and dying
In an orgy of blood.

At the end of their rope
They will destroy all they can
Increasingly desperate
Hour by hour.

Keep the faith
And pray for it to pass
The burning evil 
Writhing in its coils.  

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