Thursday, January 5, 2017


Pangs                  1/5/2017

For everything you see
There is always worse
Hidden by silence
Unspoken and unseen. 

A drop in the bucket
Or a tear in the rain
Evil beasts everywhere
Laughing all the way. 

The good make no excuses
But in evil
You will find no truth
Learning by doing
And blameless by law.  

The truth peeking out
From under the blanket
The same we should have known
All along. 

Barefaced and obvious
The revolting fools
Ugly, childish
Shallow and cruel. 

Markedly deficient
The empty headed fools
Riding high with immunity
To do what they will. 

Endless as the day
The time of endings
Forever delayed
Until just the right moment
And just the right day.

Falling like a weight
Deep down a chasm
The great heaviness of earth
In the here
And the now. 

The yoke to be lifted
And time overthrown
The ransom sum
Paid, redeemed,
And overcome. 

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