Tuesday, January 17, 2017


Convergence           1/17/2017

It is nothing good
And it is nothing new
That all we were told
Was never right
And never true.

A one sided onslaught
And a one sided fall
Over worked
And over spent
Hollowed out
And dumb.

We should
Have seen it coming
But all who did
Were demonized
And shunned.

Vilified and hounded
By the violent
And the dumb
All clinging to a past
That was never true at all. 

Accustomed to surrender
And helped with every step
Evil survives
Feeding off of blood.

Standing on the corner
And staring into nothingness
Dead eyes
And empty souls. 

Sometimes alone
But often in packs
The beasts of the field
Hunting on the street. 

Relentless tools
The good are beaten
With a cudgel
Incrementally defeated
By inertia
And time. 

Standing at a crossroad
We live
At zero point merge
Excitement, danger
Improbable and possible. 

Beware the hatred
Hissing through the teeth
As many a fool has died
Just before
Breaking free. 

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