Monday, January 23, 2017

Friday Afternoon

 Friday Afternoon         1/23/2017

Inside the ramparts
The fight truly begins
Hearts pounding
And bayonets fixed.

All doubt
And fear overcome
Because it’s now or never
Live or die.

It’s been a long time
Since I first awoke
But now we cannot sleep
Even one minute more.

There are some
Who will just never learn
Fools to the end
And slain in their sleep.

Unable to see
The obvious truth
Everywhere you look
The dark and menacing hatred
Hiding in every corner.

Savaging the hand
That feeds them
And hissing at the good
Never knowing
Or understanding.

Unable to accept
Let alone give
The love of the father
Given for his sheep.

It has been a long journey
Since the day
I first knew
That many prefer suicide
To reality
And truth.

Stewing in their juice
And spiting with contempt
Brainwashed tools          
Of division and hate.

Assaulting the good
Any way they can
Killing like a cancer
Festering in the gut.

But for us
The challenge is here
Fearless at last
Charging forward
Into the teeth.

Not guilty
And not ashamed
For all that we love
And all that we are.

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