Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Zombie Club

Zombie Club                   1/31/2017

Gnashing teeth
And bulging eyes
The brutalizing mob
And unleashed.

Long coddled
And overly indulged
The children of ignorance
And pathological delusion.

Raised on emptiness
And numberless lies
Heavy handed propaganda
The self-loathing fools
Shake, scream and cry.

Slipping into
Where they always were
And wishing us death
For you and me. 

Can a people grow?
Out of doubt
And out of fear
Free to survive
Or doomed to die.   

They who clutch their pearls
At the audacity of a spine
Preferring suicide
To wisdom
And slavery to redemption. 

Assaulting the good
Over the crime of defense
Those who would dare
Protect their progeny. 

But it is they
Who prefer disenfranchisement
And certain persecution
All for who we are
Either way around. 

Cut them off
And cut them loose
Empty headed
And remorseless. 

Falling down
And falling away
Free to fail
True to size
And true to scale. 

Thursday, January 26, 2017


The Sanctuary         1/26/2017

Some will never see
Because they hate the truth
More loyal to hate
Than integrity.

Nothing but a vacuum
Giving only to get
Lying every day
And plotting every night.

Selling their souls
For money and power
The evil and the dead
Rotten and corrupt
Over spent
And over fed.

Anything to win
And anything to steal
The shallow ciphers
Taking all they can. 

Selling us out
In exchange for power
Small men
Without a soul. 

Laughing in their castles
Protected and secure
They look the other way
While we suffer
And die. 

Open your eyes
And see the killers rage
All who harbor true hatred
Full of accusations
And obvious lies. 

Unable to see
The log in their eyes
Deluded by pride
And tribal narcissism.

I put on my white hat
And now I take my place
Standing in the gap
Even when it hurts
And even under attack. 

Fools lash out
Because that is all they do
Unable to argue
Much less prove. 

Protecting murderers
And harboring rapists
The enemy within
Jealous, hateful
Limited and dumb.  

Look to the sides
And look over your shoulder
Always ready
And always awake. 

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Not Forgotten

Not Forgotten                              1/25/2017

It is often that I think
What makes us
Who we are
The soul or the spirit
Chance or DNA.

My mother
And my father
Did everything they could
Loving and kind
Patient and generous. 

Was it them
Or is it me
That makes me see
And understand.

Both of them
Were orphans
Tempered by depression
And war. 

Yet somehow
They knew
How to give
And receive.

Loving me enough
To try
Giving me
The best they could
While they could.

And sacrificial
They gave me
Their all. 

Never able
To truly enjoy
All that they worked for
Decade after decade. 

We quit
And we run
At the first signs
Of hardship.

The spoiled progeny
Of those who worked
And those who tried
Without any help
Until they died. 

Today they are gone
But they will never
Be forgotten
Lifting me upon their shoulders
High above the world. 

Yet many are those
Who mock with glee
The passing of the generations
Who conquered the world.

Seething with hatred
And barely veiled jealousy
Hissing and spitting
Vulgar and vile. 

Always blaming others
But never questioning themselves
The fools of the end
Marching forward
Straight off a cliff. 

Violently assaulting
And viciously accusing
Ever more childish
And ever more crude. 

Let them go
And wallow in their hate
Drowning in their bile
Finished, forgotten
And fake.  

Tuesday, January 24, 2017


Solitude            1/24/2017

Hard and fast
Slow and sure
The inevitable conclusion
Come what may. 

Some may plot
And some may conspire
Down the road
Or up the chain.

Setting traps
And making plans
Evil men
And perilous times.

But the wise man
Knows who to ask
And a good man
Three steps ahead.

Surrounding himself
With wise counsel
Deliberate and methodical
Seasoned and strong. 

Absorbing the blows
Determined and resolute
Patiently waiting
For the right time to act.

Extraordinary times
Make for extraordinary people
Someone or anyone
To stand in the gap.   

But history is littered
With the blood of the good
Because of fear
And doubt.

Left in the lurch
The one against the many
Exposed for lack of help
And the cowardice of fools. 

He who has courage
Let him now arise
Backing up the few
Risking all they have. 

Monday, January 23, 2017

Friday Afternoon

 Friday Afternoon         1/23/2017

Inside the ramparts
The fight truly begins
Hearts pounding
And bayonets fixed.

All doubt
And fear overcome
Because it’s now or never
Live or die.

It’s been a long time
Since I first awoke
But now we cannot sleep
Even one minute more.

There are some
Who will just never learn
Fools to the end
And slain in their sleep.

Unable to see
The obvious truth
Everywhere you look
The dark and menacing hatred
Hiding in every corner.

Savaging the hand
That feeds them
And hissing at the good
Never knowing
Or understanding.

Unable to accept
Let alone give
The love of the father
Given for his sheep.

It has been a long journey
Since the day
I first knew
That many prefer suicide
To reality
And truth.

Stewing in their juice
And spiting with contempt
Brainwashed tools          
Of division and hate.

Assaulting the good
Any way they can
Killing like a cancer
Festering in the gut.

But for us
The challenge is here
Fearless at last
Charging forward
Into the teeth.

Not guilty
And not ashamed
For all that we love
And all that we are.