Thursday, September 29, 2016


Triumph             9/29/2016

Clouds gather
And a heaviness fills the air
Weighing us down
With intensifying fear. 

The moon hides
In our shadow
As we spin around the sun
In an ancient arc
Of rhythmic tides.

We have lived
And we have loved
But bigger things
Happen outside. 

Secrets are hidden
But we still get a glimpse
Waking up
Or sliding down.   

Inertia is gravity
Pulling me downward
Into a hole
Pulling me into a vacuum
Of lethargy and loathing. 

An internal fog
From which
There is little escape
A cold, gray drizzle
In the middle of my mind. 

In silence we live
And foolishness we die
Without ever questioning
How or why.  

Slaves to impulse
And instinctive emotions
Traceable to our common tragedies
One after another. 

Questions surface
But then we push them down
Imagining everything
But doing nothing. 

If we stay the same
We are already buried
Bombed into hades
Burning in our fat.

Evil reigns
And that explains it all
An unbearable existence
Devolving into violence
And senseless terror.

Evil never rests
And now it paces
At the door
And unfettered
It rages out of control.

Remember the poets
When the world goes dark
Searching for familiar words
In the blank screen of death.

Find it in the streets
And find it in the dark
The rebel press
And unstoppable. 

Even in the darkness
We have lit the fire
The kind that burns
Brighter by the hour. 

They have lost
So now see the desperation mount
Spent completely in a spasm
To destroy all they can. 

Trust in the light
And lean upon God
That all of us are protected
Joyful at his return. 

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