Wednesday, September 7, 2016


Permafrost                   9/7/2016

Black and white pictures
Taken in the rain
Smudged, surreal
And etched in my brain.

Technicolor sentiments
Captured in gray
A haunting gradient
Of Innocence and loss.

Lost to time
But captured in silver
The feeling of a moment
Perfectly accidental. 

A small part of life
That can tell you everything
The stillness of a moment
And a journey in time.

That we know at all
Is a miracle
Communicating across a distance
Impassable and dark. 

Anything is possible
If only we believed
And everything is here
Even if dead
And disappeared.

Calling us home
And calling us to memory
The lost voices
True at first light. 

Hold on
Even though
You are weary
And stand up
Even in tears.

What we are
Is greater than the world
And where we are going
Is beautiful.

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