Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Black Moon Rising

Black Moon Rising         9/27/2016

You knew it then
And you know it now
From the first lie to the last
Carefully rehearsed
Far in advance. 

If you have no conscience
Then you have no soul
And those without spirit
Will cheat anyone they can. 

Dead on the inside
And rotten to the core
They prop each other up
Anyway they can. 

Coasting through life
On the blood of others
With spoon fed responses
And carefully concocted lies.

How many will remember
The names of the lost
Choked, raped or burned
And drug through the street.

They laugh while others suffer
And they joke
While others die
Always shifting the blame
With another bold face lie.

Let them reap the harvest
Of all that they have wrought
A deadly fruit of evil
Poisonous when eaten
And deadly when caught. 

Let them see the whirlwind
Closing across the distance
And churning up the plains
Unstoppable and undeniable
Ripping up every obstacle
And tearing up the grain.   

Once smug
But permanently defeated
The proud and powerful
Judged, weighed
And humiliated. 

At the last possible moment
Swept away forever
Powerless before God
The liar
And the fraud.

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