Sunday, October 9, 2016

Over Sword

Over Sword        10/9/2016

All against one
And one against the world
Stacked, and slanted
By liars and thieves. 

Two voices
Pierce the darkness
Witnesses to all  
Who have ears
To listen and know.

Buried by lies  
The secrets are spilled
But only if you search  
And only if you care. 

No man is perfect
But some have sold their souls
Anything to win
And anything to steal. 

Propped up, and artificial
Babylon rides upon the beast
Drunk with the blood of many
Murdered along the way. 

Powerful is the truth
And much of it, is known
But the silence can tell you everything
About who is protected
And who is excused.

One day
Two days
But no more than three
Shall evil laugh
And gloat upon the dead. 

Let the good, ask God
To speak through their mouth
In the hour of need
For defense and truth. 

Yes, the good ask God
And yes, the good will rise
More powerful than ever
Unshaken, undefeated
And miraculously approved. 

God is greater
And God is stronger
Patiently waiting
To rise up is own. 

Evil hides
And evil lies
The same now as then
A murderer and thief. 

One way or another
The greatest victory awaits
The truth outright
And shining like the sun. 

Let them run
And let them hide
Gnashing their teeth
Corrupt, empty
Forgotten and dead. 

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