Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Sliding Window

Sliding Window               9/28/2016

Quiet as a mouse
In the dead of night
The subversion of truth
And speech.    

We who peered
Behind the curtain
Saw more than they wanted
Shrugging off the sleep
Of numberless years.

Rubbing our eyes in disbelief
That so many were used
All of us duped
And all of us fooled. 

Right under our nose
And barely mentioned at all
The passage of truth
From searchable
To forbidden.

All of it for power
And all of it for control
The masses used
And guided
Just because
They can. 

The change has come
And many have awakened
Too many to jail
Or murder. 

So now the window closes
Unnoticed in the night
Slipping by
And slipping through
Unreported and unopposed. 

Win or lose
They cashed their checks
Each one privileged
And feeding at the trough. 

We believed
And we tried
Doing our best
Day in
And day out. 

But all of it was rigged
And all of it
Was squandered
Wasted away
On nothing at all. 

Pray lest the spark go out
Leaving us all
Fumbling in the darkness
Led by lies
To our own slaughter. 

Let the light expose all
And always find a way
To share the truth
Even when shunned
And even when punished. 

That they day will yet come
That all is known and understood
Shinning like the sun

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