Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Cross Hair

Cross Hair         9/27/2016

I was born
With a target on my back
Clueless as a sheep
Led by the nose. 

We didn’t know
But we tried to be good
Listening every day
To lie after lie.  

My parents were honest
And loved me
More than themselves
Working and striving
To give me a start.

But they had no idea
How much they were hated
Because they told the truth
And boldly with fairness. 

We watched the suicide
Roll across the land
In a million tiny degrees
All was lost. 

The world they built
And made out of nothing
Teeters on a foundation
Rotted from the inside out.

I think of them
And I think of my kids
Innocent, honest
Generous and kind. 

Every day is new
And I also still try
But only a fool
Should believe
That all people are good. 

You will sense it
When you see it
At The first shiver of doubt
That some seethe with hatred
And want to snuff you out. 

It might be
For many reasons
But the end result
Is the same
That money and power
Are all rigged and gamed. 

So we who watch
Must now decide
Just how far we are willing
To sleep in our dreams. 

Awaken the lion
Lest we all be cut down
Sniped from afar
And cut down below. 

Speak no matter what
And scan every face
Choosing love
Through strength
And defiance. 

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