Wednesday, September 21, 2016


Stiletto            9/21/2016

Some will stalk
And some will scheme
Just to steal your treasure
And murder all your dreams.      

They can kill a body
But some will try
And kill your soul
Jealous, greedy
And black as coal. 

Ugly is the face
But worse is the heart
Nothing but a vacuum
Bottomless and dead.

They cut me good
And he cut me deep
Stabbed in the back
In the blink of an eye. 

Hiding the shadows
Unseen and unsuspected
The wolf in sheep’s clothing
Needy, meek, and vicious. 

Cutting me off
And cutting me down
Lying and accusing
Behind my back
And under the table. 

There are some things
That a wise man
Would never do
But that has never stopped
The evil or the cruel.  

Time has passed
Both the seasons
And the hours
While I dangled in the twilight
Between hope and despair. 

For some reason I am here
And for some reason I write
The only way to answer
The constant cruelty
And opportunistic blows.     

As small as one person
And as great as the sky
The weight of evil
And chronic deception. 

Evil rides the dragon
And evil speaks in lies
Using and manipulating
Anyway they can. 

Selling favors for money
And blaming the good
The innocent accused
And constantly attacked.

In the night
You can hear their whisper
The same now
As it was then.

Calling out from the earth
And to the ear of God
Murder, Murder, Murder
Over and over again. 

He will answer
And he will avenge
Ripping through the veil
At the end of time. 

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