Tuesday, January 26, 2016


Sundial                                          1/26/2016

If I had only known
I would never have cried
Subsisting on flat line
Of comfort and pride.  

But once we try
We either learn or die
Drawing back our hands
Burned and bloody.  
It isn’t easy letting go
But even then
The past follows behind
Softly whimpering in our ear
Calling us backward.

Pulling at our heart
And sapping all our strength
The old and familiar wounds
Always a part of me
And you.

The old wounding words
Always hurt the most
Ever fresh in our minds
And repeating on a loop. 

Breaking free is hard
And it takes constant effort 
Lest we continually fall victim 
No matter how far we travel
And or how long we live.

Even the hurt can feel safe
If you don’t know better
As we cling to the familiar
Psychologically entangled
Unconscious and dumb.

Wearing down our feet
On a well-traveled path
Effortlessly fitting in
The ruts in the road.

Physical, mental
And spiritual
The unseen assault
On body and mind. 

Interdependent and invisible 
The psyche and the brain
Poisoning our body
From the inside out.

The curtain has fallen
If you know where to look
Revealing at last
The collusion and deception.

Rigging everything,
For fun and profit
Hidden in the dark
Where we cannot see
And cannot know. 

With a thumb on the scale
They divide up the loot
Skimming off the top
And laughing all the way. 

Shameless and brazen
Oh how the masks have fallen
More obvious than ever
The game of the few.    

A new high for a new low
As we descend into hell
Fighting for survival
Against ever increasing odds.

The gates are open
And the lid comes off
All of it on purpose
Everywhere you look. 

But as time runs out
Speed becomes 
Of the essence
More and more poisonous
In a flood of hate.

A race against the clock
Doing all they can
Unopposed and ever more obvious  
The horrific embodiment 
Of death.  


Thursday, January 21, 2016

Double Shot

Double Shot                             1/21/2016

Chaos comes
Death steals
Faith saves
And love heels.

The living doubt
The dead know
Laughing at us
Holding on
As they let go.

The truth is a cure
Which is why we run
Grasping at anything
To stay as we are.

We give
Just to get
And we love
Out of need
Wasted, empty
We fall and bleed. 

Ghosts dream of bigger things
While we look at dust
Traveling faster
And going farther. 

It is tragic
That we forget
But it is a horror
That we suffer again. 

Nothing is solved
As we run in circles
Proud, indolent
And hopelessly devolve.

Angry over the past
And anxious about tomorrow
We fail to experience
The here and the now. 

Unwilling to choose
The treasure we have
But flail instead
At the nothingness we want.

Because we cannot decide
The world chooses us
Dragging us downstream
Easy, stagnant, and dead.

The fence we sat on
Rots away
As we fall down
The path of least resistance
Without knowing at all. 

I made up my mind
And that was enough
The choice now
As it was then
Obvious as the sun. 

Blessed are those
Who persevere
Easy or hard
Loyal to the end.    

Friday, January 15, 2016

Gulag style

Ready or not                                           1/15/2016                                  

I saw the snake
And the snake saw me
So I cut off its head
And threw it away.

The match hits the powder keg
And it’s all blown away
Everything we knew
Gone in a day.

Long ago infiltrated
And long ago dead
The dried out husk
Collapsing inward
And burned away.  

Sleep not with a snake
Lest you be bitten
Convulsed in pain
Foolish and dumb.

A predatory reptile
That does what it does
Always watching
And waiting.  

The beasts are no different
And you can see it in their eyes
Increasingly brazen
And out for blood. 

Bolder and bolder
They no longer conceal
Who they blame
And wish to kill. 

Beneath the surface
The greatest horror transpires
Changing hands, and changing places
The means and the plan.

Cut, beaten, and savaged
The good are slaughtered like prey
Blamed  by the guilty
With a smile on their face. 

Come down the fire   
And consume them all
Trapped by their lies
And covered in shame.  

It does not matter
Who fears death
Because it comes anyway
The moment of which
No man can say. 

And some may not
But some others will
Unafraid of terror
And willing to

Warm Leather

Warm Leather               1/15/2016

Warm leather
And cold glass
Sticking to
And holding on. 

Looking backwards
I can see it
Viewed through Vaseline
Soft, fuzzy
And beautiful.

The steam rose
Encircled her face
As we huddled over coffee
So many years ago. 

Leaning forward in a black turtleneck
Her siren lips moving in a whisper
Better than perfect
Through a sideways smile.

We wandered through bookstores
And poked through antique stores
Hunting for treasure
Hidden and unique.

We didn’t know
And we didn’t fear
Half asleep
And unaware.

Brought together by something
Far stronger than we knew
But we chose to live it out
The wrong way around. 

It was then that I felt it
In the perfect dead center of the world
That we ruled the day
And we ruled the night.  

Blessed with a gift
And rich beyond measure
It was all wasted on the young
And unwise.

I thought I knew it all
But I didn’t know a thing
Barely scratching the surface
On what was
Or might have been. 

The film ends
And the tape runs out
No matter how perfect
Everything remains
Stilted and flat.

All of it nothing
Like me
Right here and right now
Meaningless and purposeless.

We all see differently
And we all go on
Afraid of the dark
Still just as deluded
The long way around.

There is no
Long lost love
There is only the choice
And the cost.

Flattened and captured
In a single bit of crystal
Oozing between my fingers
And spinning in my head. 

None the wiser
We still try
Still trying to grab
Little puffs of smoke.

I don’t know why
And maybe that is the answer
I tried
And that’s enough. 

Thursday, January 14, 2016

five minute poem

Five Minute Poem                      1/14/2016

If I wrote in five minutes
What is it, I would say?
Except that life is beautiful
And deception unkind.

Living hurts
But in dying
We have no choice
And it won't matter how
Or when. 

We do not get to choose
Who or where
But here we are
Stuck together. 

You can't pick your parents
But they never picked us
We were and we are
Bound by something

A silver string binds us
The people I know
And the ones who read
Against all the odds of eternity
We share and think. 

There must be more
And there must be a plan
Because chance is never enough
And never was at all. 

Doubts come
And fears rise
Coming at us, in all directions
Distracting us
And wasting our time. 

If I loved
Then I made a mistake
But I cannot change it
And it doesn't matter now. 

I made a choice
And I lived it through
Even when it hurt
And even when I bled.

The seconds tick by
And my hands fly 
Across the key board
My brain barely ahead
Open and free.

I pray for wisdom
And I pray to understand
Holding on and letting go
Each in its own time.

This is no accident
That we loved
And it is not a dream
That I have lost.

A line is crossed
And we open up our hearts
An imperceptible step
Irreversible and complete. 

We reach out
Knowing the risk
And no matter how much it hurts
We keep going
And keep trying.

I have not forgotten
And I have not giving up
But rather I set myself apart
And look backwards
Over my shoulder.

I choose to let go
And I choose to let live
But right and wrong remain
Changeless and true.

I have been lucky
And I have been cursed
Squeezed dry
long before
I ever knew to ask. 

It no longer matters
If I get anything back
Because I do not do it for me
But rather for someone else
Far greater than I. 

I pray for many
And I pray for the dead
Just as present now
As they were then. 

One day
We will see
And one day
We will know.

All understood
And every wound healed
Completely free
And truly alive.  

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Bewitching Hour

4 am                                               1/13/2016

You could weep
Or you could run
But if you live in a dream
You will never know for sure. 

How many times?
Did we run to the ledge
Closer and closer to the fire
Without getting burned. 

We have danced
In and out
And we have laughed all the way
Standing on the shoulders of others
Long gone away.

It was a comfort
And it was easy
To waste the day
And waste the night. 

Living in the glow
And indulged by the gift
The soft and the dumb
Asleep at the wheel. 

We listened to a lullaby
That was never true at all
Nothing but pawns
To use and to sell.     

Oblivious to the beasts
Chained in the deep
Kept at bay
By the vigilant
And the strong. 

But in the night
Someone let them go
Sneaking them in
Out of hatred
And envy.    

Shrouded by lies
They crouch in the shadows
Watching and waiting
For a leg or an arm. 

Many are still asleep
Their minds soft
And their necks supple
Sacrificed to terror
Unfathomable and cruel.    

Better to see it now
Than it is to deny
Caught in the night
And caught in a lie.