Thursday, November 5, 2015

The long ride home

The Wake      11/5/2015

The whiskey flowed
And we were thirsty
Gathered at the bar
Sharing stories
And memories.

The conversation drifted
From one place to another
But always returned
To the dead
And the departed.

We raised our glasses
And drank them down
In hopes that he would hear
And know.

We laughed
And we hugged
Many cried
Eyes red,
And faces smeared.

But we made it last
As long as we could
Because we knew
Today would be different
And never ever again the same. 

A friend is gone
And a family shattered
Widowed before her time
In a house full of silence.

God only knows
When all of us, will meet
And God alone knows
The time and the means.

Separated by a barrier
Impenetrable and invisible
As we slog through life
Cold, dark, and gray.

This morning
The world is silent
No more filled
With laughter
Exaggerated with booze.

Now once again we force our smiles
And we pretend
That all of this striving matters
Desperately clawing  at shrinking possibilities
In a world gone insane. 

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