Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Orange Eight

Orange 8                                                       11/10/2015

Orange eight
Black, gray, and silver
On a gloomy afternoon
Cold, dark, and rainy.

There are always bright spots
In an otherwise depressing week
Because we still must laugh
Even in loss
And grieving.

Life happens
And it is happening now
As time slides sideways
Through a pin point in space.

Alive and dead
Happy or alone
We all exist
Trapped in amber
Unable to see, or move.

We fumble
And we stumble
Second guessing instinct
And swinging at shadows.

Always doubting
And hedging our bets
Even though we see
And know.                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
A good thing
Need not be a secret
But evil always hides
In the details. 

Money and favors
Threats and coercion  
Pushing the weak
Whichever, way they will.

But, even a fool
Can learn
And even the good
Can fight. 

God will save the courageous
Who stand for what is right
Faithful to the end
And unashamed.   


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