Tuesday, November 17, 2015


Sleepers                                                            11/17/2015

Either way
We all live and die
One foot in front of the other
Ready or not
Unsure and unprepared.

It is no surprise
To see it come
But accuracy will never help
Those who will not see.

Foolish and suicidal
Oblivious and dumb
Waiting with their mouths open
And swallowing every lie.

Preferring  to die on their knees
Than ever live at all
They crawl on their belly
To lick the hands of killers.

Many are those who sleep
Because of foolishness and pride
But far more are those
Cut down by betrayal.

Their blood still fresh
And calling out our names
Awakening the parts long since asleep
Burning with anger.

Over time
We should learn
And when we pray for wisdom
The clouds will part.

Shining through
And piercing the fog
The glorious truth
Even if hard
And chilling.

Truth endures
And truth abides
More than enough
To pay the price.

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