Tuesday, November 24, 2015


Grim                                   11/24/2015

Zero point zero
Net negative and empty
Passing through
And passing under
Killing everything. 

For a time
You can do anything
Especially if you are a dead ender
Lashing out
At everything you can. 

The atrocities go on
And yes there are always more
Some fake
And some real. 

Impregnated with a poison
That cannot be expunged
Hiding in every crevice
Here, there, and everywhere

The birth pangs come
Sharper, stronger
And closer together
All building to something
Long after, the deed was done.

Far down
And far away
Sliding backwards inch by inch
Putting off the pain
And giving ourselves away.

The fruits of our labor
Ripen on the vine
Coming when they are ready
Sweet, tart,
Rotten, or sour.

The host gets sick
But who can understand why
When reason is forbidden
And truth punished.  

 No one knows when
And no one knows where
All come home
To do what they will.

But time waits for no one
And it won’t wait for them
Speeding up in a vortex
Circular and down.  

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