Thursday, November 5, 2015

Second Chance

Second Chance                   11/5/2015

Some dreams
May not come true
But dreams are only dreams
Flying across our minds
A million times a day.

Life is unpredictable
And life is a roller coaster
A strange mess
That we try to contain
And make sense of.

We are thrown together
Seemingly haphazardly
Randomly placed
Into families and groups.

Dropped into
And plucked out of
Situations and places
Strange, innumerable
Odd and chaotic.

It was only after
I stopped trying
That anything made any sense
And it was only after
I gave up
That I knew what I needed.

Looking backwards
From a far distance
Only then do we see
And begin to understand. 

Bittersweet but beautiful
The passage of time
Burning a patina on my mind
And etching it
On my face.

What I lost
I lost
But what I gained
Is everything.

The past falls away
Poignant and fuzzy
As the good become great
And the bad become nothing.

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