Thursday, November 12, 2015

Expiration Date

Expiration Date                           11/12/2015

It is nothing
But also everything
The visuals of a culture
Skewed, slanted,
Rotten, and dumb. 

Symptoms of a disease
That has killed many
Historically fatal
Every single time.

But yet we smile
And whistle on our way
Whistling past the graveyard
With a smile on our face
And a coffin on our back.

Many are awake
And that is the reason
Because individual enlightenment
Has always been the enemy
Of conquest and control.

Their final solution is here
And it is to dilute
And marginalize
Pushing the good
Into the shadows
Demonized and defenseless.

Then and only then
Can they do, what they want
In a new dark age
That might last forever. 

But even they
The high and the mighty
Shall be swallowed
And crushed.

Ensnared by the very trap
That they themselves
Have fashioned
Confounded, confused
And routed.

This is their world
And it is crumbling
Overwrought, heavy,
Rotten, and expired.

For now they run wild
And for now they laugh
Perfect in their own eyes
Vain, corrupt, and dead.

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