Wednesday, November 18, 2015


Domicile                            11/18/2015

I have dreamed many dreams
While I skipped through conversations
Imagining more than I heard
And forgetting more than I learned.

Streaming over and under
I never knew the crucial parts
Missing the mundane but essential details
For living in the now.

I was only sleepwalking
And sometimes I sleep still
Lost in texture, color, and shape
More than what is expected
Or required.

I wanted a feeling
And I wanted the sensation
But failed to participate
Much less anticipate.

Oblivious and self-absorbed
I perceived not the threat
Easing up behind me
With a smile on their face.

Only awakened
When mortally wounded
Writhing on the floor
Feebly waving my arms
And drowning in blood.

Close enough to touch
But never enough to have
I remain alive
And alien in my bones.

A ghost hovering
Over a lifeless body
Crippled and paralyzed
Yet still breathing
And believing.

Not quite dead
But neither fully alive
Suspended in game of madness
Like an alien in a jar.

It hurt for the longest time
But now, I have found contentment,
And patience
At last thankful
Behind my eyes.

In my castle
And behind the veil
A secret in the dark
Hidden in a chest.

Changing, growing
Watching and waiting
Stretching out a wounded wing
Strong as iron  
In word and prayer. 

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