Wednesday, November 25, 2015


Scorcher                          11/25/2015

Like a plane out of fuel
Rudderless and dead
We sink in a spin
Spiraling downward
Faster and faster. 

Evil has the controls
Just as he always did
But now his time is short
So he kills all he can. 

Suicidal and dumb
Ugly, and misshapen
Hating all that is good
Just like he always did.

Erupting with full force
To kill the beautiful
And kill the good
Out of hate, jealousy,
Pride, and cruelty. 

Living on a hoax
And living on a lie
The bigger the better
Every single day. 

As ferocious
As they are limited
Unfortunate, condemned
Killing and hiding
Dead enders of men. 

Harvest comes
And all the fields will burn
As the wrath of evil men
Implodes within.

Many die
Unheard and unknown
Innocent, courageous
Forgiving and kind.

They shall return
Avenged seven times seventy
In less than an hour
All of this
Done and gone. 

And unsung
Burning into nothingness

1 comment:

    Are all men sinners at birth? No they are not. Men are not sinners until they commit sin.

    James 1:14-15 But each one is tempted when he is drawn away by his own desires and then enticed. 15 Then when desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, brings forth death. (NKJV)

    Desire conceived, gives birth to sin. Sin is not conceived at birth nor is sin present at conception in the womb

    1 John 3:4 Whoever commits sin, also commits lawlessness. and sin is lawlessness. (NKJV)

    Sin is committed. Sin is not inherited from the womb. Men are not born sinners.

    Neither babies in the womb nor newborn infants are tempted to sin, nor are they drawn away by their own desires, nor do they commit lawless acts in the womb nor at the time of their birth. Men are not born sinners.

    If all men are born sinners, then men are born as pedophiles.

    If men are born sinners, then men are born as drunkards.

    If men are born sinners, then men are born as fornicators.

    If men are born sinners, then men are born as idolaters.

    If men are born sinners, then men are born as homosexuals.

    If men are born sinners, then men are born as adulterers.

    If men are born sinners, then men are born sodomites.

    If men are born sinners, then men are born as thieves.

    Men are not born sinners. Men make a choice to sin.

    Men do not die spiritually because sin is in their DNA--- MEN DIE SPIRITUALLY BECAUSE THEY CHOOSE TO SIN.

    1 Corinthians 6:8-11.....9 Do you not know the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God.....

    Babies in the womb and newborn infants are NOT unrighteous!

