Monday, November 30, 2015

Wednesday, November 25, 2015


Scorcher                          11/25/2015

Like a plane out of fuel
Rudderless and dead
We sink in a spin
Spiraling downward
Faster and faster. 

Evil has the controls
Just as he always did
But now his time is short
So he kills all he can. 

Suicidal and dumb
Ugly, and misshapen
Hating all that is good
Just like he always did.

Erupting with full force
To kill the beautiful
And kill the good
Out of hate, jealousy,
Pride, and cruelty. 

Living on a hoax
And living on a lie
The bigger the better
Every single day. 

As ferocious
As they are limited
Unfortunate, condemned
Killing and hiding
Dead enders of men. 

Harvest comes
And all the fields will burn
As the wrath of evil men
Implodes within.

Many die
Unheard and unknown
Innocent, courageous
Forgiving and kind.

They shall return
Avenged seven times seventy
In less than an hour
All of this
Done and gone. 

And unsung
Burning into nothingness

Tuesday, November 24, 2015


Grim                                   11/24/2015

Zero point zero
Net negative and empty
Passing through
And passing under
Killing everything. 

For a time
You can do anything
Especially if you are a dead ender
Lashing out
At everything you can. 

The atrocities go on
And yes there are always more
Some fake
And some real. 

Impregnated with a poison
That cannot be expunged
Hiding in every crevice
Here, there, and everywhere

The birth pangs come
Sharper, stronger
And closer together
All building to something
Long after, the deed was done.

Far down
And far away
Sliding backwards inch by inch
Putting off the pain
And giving ourselves away.

The fruits of our labor
Ripen on the vine
Coming when they are ready
Sweet, tart,
Rotten, or sour.

The host gets sick
But who can understand why
When reason is forbidden
And truth punished.  

 No one knows when
And no one knows where
All come home
To do what they will.

But time waits for no one
And it won’t wait for them
Speeding up in a vortex
Circular and down.  

Wednesday, November 18, 2015


Domicile                            11/18/2015

I have dreamed many dreams
While I skipped through conversations
Imagining more than I heard
And forgetting more than I learned.

Streaming over and under
I never knew the crucial parts
Missing the mundane but essential details
For living in the now.

I was only sleepwalking
And sometimes I sleep still
Lost in texture, color, and shape
More than what is expected
Or required.

I wanted a feeling
And I wanted the sensation
But failed to participate
Much less anticipate.

Oblivious and self-absorbed
I perceived not the threat
Easing up behind me
With a smile on their face.

Only awakened
When mortally wounded
Writhing on the floor
Feebly waving my arms
And drowning in blood.

Close enough to touch
But never enough to have
I remain alive
And alien in my bones.

A ghost hovering
Over a lifeless body
Crippled and paralyzed
Yet still breathing
And believing.

Not quite dead
But neither fully alive
Suspended in game of madness
Like an alien in a jar.

It hurt for the longest time
But now, I have found contentment,
And patience
At last thankful
Behind my eyes.

In my castle
And behind the veil
A secret in the dark
Hidden in a chest.

Changing, growing
Watching and waiting
Stretching out a wounded wing
Strong as iron  
In word and prayer. 

Tuesday, November 17, 2015


Sleepers                                                            11/17/2015

Either way
We all live and die
One foot in front of the other
Ready or not
Unsure and unprepared.

It is no surprise
To see it come
But accuracy will never help
Those who will not see.

Foolish and suicidal
Oblivious and dumb
Waiting with their mouths open
And swallowing every lie.

Preferring  to die on their knees
Than ever live at all
They crawl on their belly
To lick the hands of killers.

Many are those who sleep
Because of foolishness and pride
But far more are those
Cut down by betrayal.

Their blood still fresh
And calling out our names
Awakening the parts long since asleep
Burning with anger.

Over time
We should learn
And when we pray for wisdom
The clouds will part.

Shining through
And piercing the fog
The glorious truth
Even if hard
And chilling.

Truth endures
And truth abides
More than enough
To pay the price.

Thursday, November 12, 2015


Random                                                11/12/2015

Scatter the ashes
And let them blow away
Spreading into the vastness
From which all of us
Were made.   

We are vessels
Hollowed out and dumb
Far from what could have been
Ages ago. 

Time stretches thin
Transparent and linear
A long ride on a pin point
Flattened on a paper.

Once I tried,
But now I think
Pondering in a day dream
Numberless might have beens.

We fall in
And we fall out
Randomly intersecting
And separating. 

Avatars in a game
Projected into space
Holograms of light
Hosting spirits and souls.

I get tired
And I get distracted
All for something
I cannot hold. 

A host to a battle
Raging in my mind
Pushed and pulled in all directions
By doubt and regret.

But then I remember
And shake my head
Snapping myself back
To the present.

Fight it
Fight it now
Even though you are hated
And you are ignored.

Friends can drift
And acquaintances lost
But each and every day
A new ending begins.