Monday, June 29, 2015

Ghost Rocket

Ghost Rocket  6/29/2015

Voices in the cloud
And voices in your head
Insanity comes
From within or without.

On a ghost rocket to Mars
Rest the ancient spirits
Terra forming the future
In secret silence. 

We only see
What we want
And  just like always
We huddle in a herd. 

Turning our backs to the wind
For whatever comfort we can
And floating down a stream
Convenient and dumb.

We open the door
To a wolf in sheep’s clothing  
Afraid to obey
Truth and discernment. 

We who also love
Are trained to obey
Always accommodating
And always guilty. 

But all it takes is a crack
And in comes the deception
A gilded horse
full of horror.

An unfortunate truth
In a world gone insane
That some have no honor,
No conscience,
And no soul. 

There is no hate more dangerous
Than the one
For which we,  dare not speak
For fear of reprisal
Certain and  swift. 

It’s not about love
If it’s really about something else
A crack to be exploited
To blame, isolate, and destroy. 

The foolish used like a crowbar
To push against the frame
Just another cynical tool
Used to bludgeon
And wound

The heroic will suffer
Just like, they always have
Offering themselves up
To be mauled and maimed.

Abandoned at first threat
As we all retreat on cue
Leaving them alone
To be butchered and abused.

How many have been lost
And dragged down the street
Murdered without honor
And buried without respect.

Evil searches day and night
Looking for those to exploit
Like a worm
Eating through the brain. 

Turning us against ourselves
To open up the door
Farther and farther away
From where we should have been. 

I am a sinner
And so are all, I know
Imperfectly perfect
From the inside out. 

Transformed by life
Into something unknown
The eternal metamorphosis
Yet to be revealed. 

But we fight not against other men
But against something worse
As we are eroded and attacked
From within and without. 

If I am forgiven
Then so also are you
But only if we try
And only if we pray. 

The seed is planted
Now watch it take root
As the hands behind the curtain
Do what they will. 

Love respects
But love, also lets go
Letting others live
In free expression
And free association.  

It never blames
Nor can it attack
But rather exists
Perfect and sublime. 

We are known by what we say
But silence can tell you everything
And how many times does it take
For even a fool to awake. 

Behind the curtain
Someone pulls the strings
Creating Marionettes 
To weaponize
And exploit. 

You can look forwards
Or you can look backwards
But none of this is new
Neither the lie
Nor the end.  

Everything goes both ways
And the wise should always
Search their heart
But only a fool cannot see
The veiled threats on the horizon
For you and for me. 

Friday, June 26, 2015


Nighthawk    6/26/2015 

How many nights did I feel it?
That agonizing twinge
Staring at a stained carpet,
And praying I would survive.    

Some have avoided calamity
And some recline in luxury
Making money for nothing
And laughing all the way. 

How many have they crushed?
And how many, have they forgotten?
Conveniently discarded
Casual and cruel. 

Outside, there are predators
Who crave innocent blood
A red terror of brown shirts
Hunting easy prey.    

Marching under a false flag
And worshiping a paper calf
A wordless wonder
Empty and dead. 

Once there was iron
But now, it’s mostly clay
Selling us all out  
And giving it all away.   

Beware the feral dog
Snarling in the shadows
Digging under the fence
And lunging at your neck.

Like a ton of bricks
Comes the dawning horror
That all could have been avoided
Easily crushed long ago
With courage and conviction. 

But isn’t that, how it always ends
Doubled over in regret
Gasping in horror
And unable to move.

Look now and see
The devil in the street
Proud as a peacock
Treacherous and vain. 

Pray that it is soon
And keep a watchful eye
That no one catches you sleeping
In another dark night 
Moonless and dead.


Ghosted               6/26/2015

I am a ghost
And I am a memory
Barely visible
Alien and Remote.

The world is unrecognizable
And turned against itself
Churning and convulsing
Inside and out. 

It is easy to fall
But harder to stand
When everything is contaminated
And everyone infected.

I thought I was safe
And I thought, that I was loved
But in the end
I was nothing
And barely survived at all. 

I tried to scrub off the stain
And I tried to hide my face
Broken, alone,
Rejected and ashamed. 

Less than nothing
And thrown away like trash
Nothing but a worm
Struggling on a sidewalk. 

Unforeseen can be the reason
In the dark night of the soul
But obvious in the end
The purpose and the cause. 

It was for this
That I was born
Starting out at the end
The last of the first
And the first of the last. 

The golden age is over
And the terror has begun
Reflected in the eyes of madness
Soulless and dead.

Evil rules the day
And many try to save themselves
More concerned of reputation
And money
Than truth. 

Bankrupt with silver
And corrupted by power
They pretend just enough
To keep it all going. 

If you have seen evil
Then you know it exists
And once you have lost,
And lived
Then, you have no fear.

 Hold on
And love with all your heart
Even though you lose
And even though
You hurt. 

God listens
And he will save
Not one of us missing
And not one of us

Thursday, June 25, 2015


Miasma      6/25/2015

Northwoods,  south woods,
East wood and down
The more you question
The more you will see. 

You can’t judge a book by its cover
Unless that book is me
Another day bobbing up and down
Running down a ditch
And circling the drain. 

Diluted, marginalized,
Blamed, and abused
The last remnant shrinks
Encircled by enemies
And dying by attrition. 

We had our blessings
And we had our treasure
As we Devolve into miasma
Decomposed and dead. 

Eating, breeding
And trained like dogs
We lap it up  
Spoon fed and dumb.

Accustomed to horror
And sacrificed on cue
We seek comfort in safety
Delusional and afraid.

We were lost
But now we wander
With ever dwindling means
And nowhere to run.   

We had, the last chance
But blew it all away
Blowing smoke circles
On a breezy summer day. 

So here we are
Looking over our shoulder
Haunted and hunted
Every step of the way. 

All that we had hoped for
Has crumbled to dust
As we sift through the rubble
For whatever we can save.

Many will betray you
In order to save themselves
Enriched, protected
Cynical and smug.
But even they,
Shall yet, gnash their teeth
Betrayed one by one
Losing everything
That they have craved.

The jaws are tightening
And the hot breath
Is upon our necks
Stalked by a new beast
Same as the old. 

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Busy today

Didn't have time to write, but I hope to tomorrow or Friday.  Rob McManus

Friday, June 19, 2015


Submarine        6/19/2015

The shallow waters of comfort
Are safe
But they are also stagnant
Providing only
What we want to hear. 

But the deep holds the truth
And holds treasure in its depths
Clinging to the shipwrecks
Sunken in the black. 

Many wade in the sun
And splash as children
But only a few dive deep
And behold truth. 

The abyss is a graveyard
Of the good and the bad
Entombed forever
Dark and silent. 

Their hopes and dreams
Are distant and diverse
But they all ventured out
And did what they would. 

Some did evil
And some did good
But death grabbed their ankles
And pulled them all down. 

Words are cheap
And I know, they are not enough
But they are what I have
Even if they are guarded
And whispered. 

Reality is risk
And risk can be determined by facts
In the frequency of occurrence
Spoken or unspoken. 

And the only thing to fear
Is what cannot be discussed
Because even half-truths are powerless
If unevenly applied. 

The cold clear light of reason
Can solve many a problem
But only if you recognize reality
And acknowledge the truth. 

To grow
I had to grow up
And to learn
I had to search. 

Scour the sea
And plumb the depths
Listening for the reverberations
Deep and hidden. 

Pinging in waves
And knocking on our hearts
The true intentions
And hidden motivations.

Let it haunt
And let it ring
That someone might have the courage
To learn
And know.