Thursday, October 24, 2013

Man Made

Man Made 10/24/2013

While I was sleeping
The world turned upside down
And while I was dreaming
A nightmare cut out my heart. 

I stare at it now
Strangely detached and numb
Unable to understand
If anything matters at all. 

Yes, something has changed
And all of my life
Has come undone
But yet I live
And remain unmoved. 

Morning comes
And I struggle against the covers
Neither happy or sad
Robotic and unconscious.

Fires burn
And murderers shriek
Laughing as they slaughter
The innocent and the good.

Dizzily the blood flies in the air
Suspended for an instant
With arms and legs
A instantaneous mosaic
Bloody and horrific.  

The pits of hell
Have opened up
And spew forth a hatred
Spreading like a plague.

Some will cry
And light white candles
But now is not a time for mourning
But rather a time to confront.

You can sink
Or you can swim
Treading water
Any way you can. 

Claw at the day
And never give up
No matter what happens
Or how it looks.

Though the mountains melt
And the sea boil
Keep on fighting and believing
Even when it hurts
And even when its lost.    

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