Monday, October 28, 2013

Double Dip Down

Double Dip Down 10/28/2013

The smoke swirls upwards
Out of the barrel
And into the air
But if you don’t pay attention
You will never know for sure.

Even the best kept secrets
Can never stay hidden
No matter how hard you try
Or who you threaten. 

Eventually everything comes undone
And everything is known
But that is also when
The animal is cornered
And dissembles into rage.

The world needs a crises
And evil men need a distraction
To cover up what they are
And what they want. 

Sometimes you are right
And sometimes you are wrong
But it’s better to be careful
Than it is
To drown in blood.

The truth is here
Right in front of our eyes
But only if you look around
And connect the dots.

The deaths head grins
As he tighten his grip
Compressing our neck
As hard as he can.

We can either struggle or surrender
But it’s better to fight
Than it is to give in,
Go limp, and die. 

Winter is coming
And blackness covers our eyes
Advancing every minute
While we sleep.

It will blot out the sun
If we let it
And suffocate the future
Before it is born. 

But even this will fail
No matter how inevitable it seems
Because we see
And we know. 

Even the most cunning killer
Is subject to God
And all his efforts
Shall fall upon his head. 

The black birds know
And fly in circles
Calling out their names
Again and again. 

Light your lamp
And look out the window
Watching day and night
Always ready
Every hour and every minute. 

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