Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Finders Keepers

 Finders Keepers 10/30/2013

All that is done
Is done
And that which was
Has vanished into thin air
Disappearing into the spaces
In between spaces. 

We say hello
And we say goodbye
But how much difference
Do our gestures make
Just another drop in the rain
Percolating downwards forever.

It had been so long
That I had forgotten
That everything comes back
If you love
And if you try. 

It may take a decade
Or maybe even more
But all of it,  can melt away
Like it never happened at all. 

The light has not died
Just because we cannot see it
Doesn’t mean that it’s not there
And those we love still remain
Even after
They are gone.

There will always be more
Than what we see
And that is
The best thing of all. 

There is no need to grasp
And there is no need to jostle
Because everything we miss
Will return with more. 

Good follows the good
Even in suffering
And even in death
Recreated and reconstructed
A million times better
Than before. 

If I had given up
Then I would have never known
And but for the thinnest of margins
Even love
Would have never survived. 

God loves us
Even when we fail
Pulling for us to wake up
And know that he is there. 

We stood while we could
And that is enough
Because it is far better that we tried
Than if we curled up
And died. 

I also remember
What it means to lose it all
But every single set back
Opens us all up for more. 

Our thoughts, hopes and dreams
Often guide our thinking
But eternal love
Is the treasure
We are all glad to find. 

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