Thursday, October 31, 2013


Bloodstone  10/31/2013

Quietly and methodically
The hands slip
Under the table
Hidden in the dark
To do what they will. 

It is a terrible thing
That no one
Ever seems to notice
That there are truly are evil men
Willing to do
Anything to win. 

It is easy to ignore them
And it is easy to fall asleep
Distracted and entertained
By mindless pursuits.

But I have slept through enough
And paid a heavy price
Waking up with a knife in my back
And bleeding to death. 

They are at work even now
Ratcheting up the pressure
Tightening up the noose
Tighter and tighter. 

Never giving in
And never giving up
But always ready to try again
If the good go to sleep.

The road to subjugation is an easy one
Paved with promises and comfort
Whenever we depend to much
On others for our needs. 

The price is control
And the hidden hand
Knows this well
Accumulating power every day
And never having enough.

A slave has no choice
And a slave must tow the line
Careful not to rebel or question
But merely to breed, work and die. 

For some that might be enough
But not for me
Because free will requires a choice
And the spirit demands expression. 

Our will is strong
And no horror shall defeat us
Even death has no hold
On the courageous
And the free.

The darkest night
Shall always give way
When the tables are turned over
For everyone to see.

No matter the threats
And no matter the horror
Even the bloodiest violence
Shall be destroyed in the end. 

The ghosts shall all come home
And all the fallen rise
When the blood returns
With a vengeance!

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