Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Angel in Black

Angel in Black 10/22/2013

In my mind
I have traveled far
A million miles above
And ten million below. 

Pacing back and forth
In search of something
That could never be found
Or possessed.

Searching for an angel
In black latex
With a sideways smile
And blowing smoke rings
In my face.

Someone who could see
And someone who could understand
All the absurdities of life
Yet still willing
To experience them all. 

But sometimes we miss
All that we have
As we struggle to recreate
A perfection
That does not exist.

My angel has always been here
Every step of the way
Flying all around me
And whispering in my ear. 

Her wings beating fast
As she rushes ahead
Always watching my progress
One inch at a time. 

Watching, waiting
And knowing every move
Smiling when I stumble
And blowing kisses when I stand.

Even before I knew
And even before I asked
Waiting to hold me
And wrap her legs around me. 

Nothing will hold us back
And all the pain will disappear
Because there is always more
Than what we have seen.

There will always be more
Ahead than behind
And all that we dreamed
Will be ours in the end.    

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