Thursday, October 31, 2013


Bloodstone  10/31/2013

Quietly and methodically
The hands slip
Under the table
Hidden in the dark
To do what they will. 

It is a terrible thing
That no one
Ever seems to notice
That there are truly are evil men
Willing to do
Anything to win. 

It is easy to ignore them
And it is easy to fall asleep
Distracted and entertained
By mindless pursuits.

But I have slept through enough
And paid a heavy price
Waking up with a knife in my back
And bleeding to death. 

They are at work even now
Ratcheting up the pressure
Tightening up the noose
Tighter and tighter. 

Never giving in
And never giving up
But always ready to try again
If the good go to sleep.

The road to subjugation is an easy one
Paved with promises and comfort
Whenever we depend to much
On others for our needs. 

The price is control
And the hidden hand
Knows this well
Accumulating power every day
And never having enough.

A slave has no choice
And a slave must tow the line
Careful not to rebel or question
But merely to breed, work and die. 

For some that might be enough
But not for me
Because free will requires a choice
And the spirit demands expression. 

Our will is strong
And no horror shall defeat us
Even death has no hold
On the courageous
And the free.

The darkest night
Shall always give way
When the tables are turned over
For everyone to see.

No matter the threats
And no matter the horror
Even the bloodiest violence
Shall be destroyed in the end. 

The ghosts shall all come home
And all the fallen rise
When the blood returns
With a vengeance!

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Finders Keepers

 Finders Keepers 10/30/2013

All that is done
Is done
And that which was
Has vanished into thin air
Disappearing into the spaces
In between spaces. 

We say hello
And we say goodbye
But how much difference
Do our gestures make
Just another drop in the rain
Percolating downwards forever.

It had been so long
That I had forgotten
That everything comes back
If you love
And if you try. 

It may take a decade
Or maybe even more
But all of it,  can melt away
Like it never happened at all. 

The light has not died
Just because we cannot see it
Doesn’t mean that it’s not there
And those we love still remain
Even after
They are gone.

There will always be more
Than what we see
And that is
The best thing of all. 

There is no need to grasp
And there is no need to jostle
Because everything we miss
Will return with more. 

Good follows the good
Even in suffering
And even in death
Recreated and reconstructed
A million times better
Than before. 

If I had given up
Then I would have never known
And but for the thinnest of margins
Even love
Would have never survived. 

God loves us
Even when we fail
Pulling for us to wake up
And know that he is there. 

We stood while we could
And that is enough
Because it is far better that we tried
Than if we curled up
And died. 

I also remember
What it means to lose it all
But every single set back
Opens us all up for more. 

Our thoughts, hopes and dreams
Often guide our thinking
But eternal love
Is the treasure
We are all glad to find. 

Tuesday, October 29, 2013


Ghostly 10/29/2013

The dead part has been walled off
And remains a blackened piece of flesh
Inside of my heart
Sealed and forgotten
Never to return. 

Once I thought
I knew what mattered
But that part of me has died
And I shall never be the same.

There is no longer any hatred
But only revulsion and disgust
That I could live for so long
And never learn a thing.

Like a soldier
Returning from war
Marveling at the every day details
That will never mean a thing.

There is nothing I want
And there is nothing I ask
But still I search
Just to know
And understand. 

The world spins
And we look at what we are
But it’s not about us
And it never was at all.

Their reflection stays with you
The haunting faces of the past
But they are more of a warning
Than a regret. 

Those I pray for
Still remain
And today is another day
On the long way home. 

It will be alright
Even if we fail
Because as long as we keep trying
Love will prevail. 

Monday, October 28, 2013

Double Dip Down

Double Dip Down 10/28/2013

The smoke swirls upwards
Out of the barrel
And into the air
But if you don’t pay attention
You will never know for sure.

Even the best kept secrets
Can never stay hidden
No matter how hard you try
Or who you threaten. 

Eventually everything comes undone
And everything is known
But that is also when
The animal is cornered
And dissembles into rage.

The world needs a crises
And evil men need a distraction
To cover up what they are
And what they want. 

Sometimes you are right
And sometimes you are wrong
But it’s better to be careful
Than it is
To drown in blood.

The truth is here
Right in front of our eyes
But only if you look around
And connect the dots.

The deaths head grins
As he tighten his grip
Compressing our neck
As hard as he can.

We can either struggle or surrender
But it’s better to fight
Than it is to give in,
Go limp, and die. 

Winter is coming
And blackness covers our eyes
Advancing every minute
While we sleep.

It will blot out the sun
If we let it
And suffocate the future
Before it is born. 

But even this will fail
No matter how inevitable it seems
Because we see
And we know. 

Even the most cunning killer
Is subject to God
And all his efforts
Shall fall upon his head. 

The black birds know
And fly in circles
Calling out their names
Again and again. 

Light your lamp
And look out the window
Watching day and night
Always ready
Every hour and every minute. 

Friday, October 25, 2013

Soul Survivor

Soul Survivor 10/25/2013

Sometimes it’s hard
To think of a reason
But today I am here
In spite of it all. 

And when words are not enough
And I don’t know what to do
I just smile
And keep on going. 

That is the faith
That all the good must keep
As we trudge through another day
On our way to the end.

Many are angry
And many are demoralized
So they try to escape
Any way they can. 

Numbing their brains
To forget who they are
And killing themselves
To avoid the pain. 

But there is nothing better
Than to love anyway
And there is nothing richer
Than to enjoy what you have.

You will see them
And they will see you
But even though
They wish you death
Smile and fight.    

Smile and fight
And never give an inch
Peaceful and defiant
Again and again.