Thursday, May 18, 2017

The Fixer

 The Fixer               5/18/2017

Burrowed in
Like a rodent
The hateful parasites
With their heads in the trough. 

Nothing new
Under this dead sun
Just more of the same
Dumb and sinking fast.

The fix is always in
And the secrets
Are always buried
Drugging us all
With imaginary lies. 

They murdered many
And lied every day
Anything to win
And anything for money. 

They love to start fires
And water us down
Anything to keep us distracted
Until it’s too late. 

They want us to think
That it’s inevitable
And they want us to believe
That there is no point. 

But secretly they tremble
Afraid of the chance
That we might yet awaken
And know. 

If they lost even once
The whole house
Would fall
For in that moment
It would be obvious
All that they have done. 

All of the dead
And all of the used
All of the theft
And all of the lies.

Crashing down
Along with their propaganda
Destroyed in an hour
Gnashing their teeth. 

Unable to hide
They will fall on their knees
Blaming others till the end
For what they themselves have done. 

All who will see
Will see
And all who sleep
Will still sleep.

But the corrupt
Let them stay crooked
And the evil
Let them fester
And boil.

Almost imperceptibly
The wheels slowly turn
Inexorable to the end
The day and the hour. 

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