Tuesday, May 9, 2017


Domicile          5/9/2017

Some will wake up
But many still sleep
Still dreaming
And foolishly believing.

But for the few
There can be no
Turning back
Because once you see
You can never sleep again. 

Every day
The onslaught continues
Propaganda disguised
As entertainment,
Promoting half truths
Covered in lies.

Some cannot be saved
And some will never see
Not until the blade is drawn
Across their neck
Out of time
And on their knees.

Many will lie
And many will cheat
Anything to win
Serving their masters
For power and money. 

Fake and smug
Paid and corrupt
Mere puppets
Propped up
From the inside out. 

Endlessly speaking
But saying nothing at all
Loyal only to power
And money. 

Selling you
And selling me
Nothing but cattle
And commodities. 

There is no need
To speculate
When both sides
Are the same
Divided up and sold
The power and the price.

Behind the curtain
True evil celebrates
Gleefully sacrificing
The innocent
And pure.

Hidden and protected
They do what they are told
Mutually guilty
By association
And creed. 

Triangulating death
To any potential threats
They seek only slaves
In permanent debt.

If you didn’t notice
They maybe you didn’t look
But the truth is coming out
In bits and pieces
As we all glimpse
Terrifying reality.

The time line falls apart
And seams are starting to fray
In and out of the matrix
Toggling back
Darkness and day.  

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