Wednesday, May 31, 2017


Headless                             5/31/2017

Bodies strewn everywhere
But nobody speaks a word
At odds with an their agenda
And fabricated lies. 

Bloody heads
And bloody hands
Are shoved in our face
All of it predictable
Disgusting and vile. 

The fix is in
Just as it always was
The target focused
On you
And me. 

Invaded and subverted
The beautiful land
Now rotted and desecrated
And full of foreign idols. 

Double minded
Without a single thought
The grossly unqualified
Corrupt and dumb. 

See them now
Stand with the liars
Guilty as hell
Hateful and dumb. 

Once you understand
There is no turning back
The fakers
And the liars
Cruel and compromised. 

Helping their friends
And screwing us all
As obvious as the sun
Burning in the sky. 

We who remember
Remember this day
Another day down
On our way to the end. 

A straight line
Cuts through it
Slicing through
Time and space. 

Coming closer
With each hour
The day of decision
Sudden and sure. 

Lord come quickly
And wipe them away
Lest none of us escape
And none of us

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