Wednesday, May 17, 2017


I SPY                   5/17/2017

One hundred eighteen days
And another day is marked
In delusion
And hysteria. 

Like a mackerel
On a moonlit beach
There is always something shiny
That stinks like a fish. 

You can tell everything
By what cannot be said
And who cannot be criticized
Evil in and of itself. 

But the moment
We change
And start to act
All the world hates
The good and the true. 

Over the target
There has always exploisons
As evil will always kill
Rather than
Admit an error. 

And many are the murdered
Who were almost free
Cut off
And cut down. 

Taken out
At close range
By those who
Will never grow
Or understand. 

Frustrated at loss
They lash out in anger
The violent
And the foolish
The corrupt 
And compromised. 

The door was almost closed
But then it opened a crack
Just enough to see the light
And that is all
It took.

Evil never sleeps
And today it rages with fury
As the truth emerges
Ever so small
And unreported.  

Almost unknown
The few who will look
Those not distracted
And willfully blind. 

Fake, false
And fraudulent lies
The same old news
With shrieks and cries.

Evil often boasts
And so also is the truth
That they told us in advance
Exactly what they did. 

Everything on everyone
A data base of hell
All to control
And all to condemn.

The false accuser
And the false messiah
Driven mad with power
And primeval hate. 

The last murderer
The same as the first
Now in hiding
And licking his lips. 

Uttered with contempt
And narcissistic avarice
The implied threat
Of omnipotent surveillance. 

Mad men and mad women
They are the ones
Who said it then
The unhinged gatekeepers
Of secrets and bribes.

The key that unlocks
Was said in twenty thirteen
That everything was known
Telegraphing then
What is happening now. 

But man is not the only one
That listens and knows
And even the powerful
Cannot hide the truth forever. 

God knows
And nothing that is hidden
Will remain in the end
None of the hatred
And none of the murder. 

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