Thursday, May 11, 2017


Cinescope      5/11/2017

We always return
Back to where we were
Circling back to ignorance
All for power
And all for money. 

Willfully blind
We stick our heads
In the sand
Necks stretched out
Foolish and dead.

Distracted by games
And obvious propaganda
Heavy, predictable
Fake and sad.

Robotic and rhythmic
The increasingly desperate cries
We have all heard
So many times. 

The same now
Just like before
And all of it a hoax
Fake, and failed. 

Writhing on camera
And waving their arms
Paid to hate
And paid to lie. 

Yes we are hated
And you can only guess why
Good for evil
And darkness for light. 

Never give in
And never give up
But plug on
Through the hail
And through the mud. 

Smile when you attacked
And laugh when you are provoked
Their time like a gust of wind
And gone.   

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