Tuesday, May 16, 2017


CYA                  5/16/2017

Can you hear the silence
Falling like snow
The cold fear of denial
Like it never happened at all. 

Starkly run along a razor
The battered bodies
Peacefully rotting  
And neatly swept away. 

All trails lead back
And all loose ends are tied
By accident or on purpose
The mighty
And the small. 

It takes a lot of pride
And it takes a soulless few
To damn the lives of many
Off a cliff
And into hell. 

Like clockwork
The moment they guessed
That victory might not be stolen
And death not satisfied.

Each threat removed
And every tongue neutralized
Hidden and excused
By the weak
And compromised. 

It’s hard to fight
With poison in your veins
And it’s hard to speak
With a pillow
In your mouth. 

Frauds, liars
Complicit and fake
Starting imaginary fires
To assault
Who they hate.   

May the snare entrap them all
The one they made
For you and me
Strong and sure
Down into hades.

Let it all come down
And let it all come out
The final truth
Deep, dead
And terrifying. 

Bloody, bloody, bloody
Are the evil in their dens
The worshippers of Satan
On their way
To the end. 

Would be executioners
They dream of genocide
Leading many into oblivion  
With poverty, war,   
And suicide. 


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