Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Seeking Malibu

Seeking Malibu           5/31/2017

I am not the only one
Who has driven this road
Half way home
And half way dead.

Chasing after a feeling
That you can never attain
The euphoric high
Perfect and sublime.

The peaceful feeling
Like driving a Malibu
Head tilted back
The wind in your face.

Others have searched
But only a few have found
The glowing truth
That burns us away. 

They found her
On a bead
With vodka bottles
On the floor. 

Unmoving and still
And asleep in the air
Fully under
And fully out. 

Resting in a black hole
Somewhere out in space
Covered up
And alone. 

We may not
Know the reason
That God picks us up
Plucking us out
And making us whole. 

I poured it out
The clear poison of death
Down the drain
And into the mud.

And here I am
And here I remain
A stranger in a strange land
Straightened, fearful,
Humble and alive

We have all lived the moment
Those beautiful hours
Of jubilant sun
Laughing, joking
Perfect and free.

But those feelings
Slippery and rare
Cannot be replicated
By effort
Or demand.

So we fall backwards
Trying to recreate
The painless bliss
Of false reality. 

And many are those
Who chased them to death
Seeking more and more
Into madness
And despair.    

Vacant empty
Dirty and dead
Unable to cope
And unable to rise. 

This world is harsh
And this world is cruel
Chewing us up
Body and bones. 

Sharp ,glaring
Heavy and hot
As we all seek solace
However we can. 

God is good
So I pray for their souls
At long last understood
And safe. 

I drive down the road
In a clean white sedan
Perfect and free
With nothing at all. 

As good as I could ask
This peace of mind
Thankfully saved
In the nick of time. 


Headless                             5/31/2017

Bodies strewn everywhere
But nobody speaks a word
At odds with an their agenda
And fabricated lies. 

Bloody heads
And bloody hands
Are shoved in our face
All of it predictable
Disgusting and vile. 

The fix is in
Just as it always was
The target focused
On you
And me. 

Invaded and subverted
The beautiful land
Now rotted and desecrated
And full of foreign idols. 

Double minded
Without a single thought
The grossly unqualified
Corrupt and dumb. 

See them now
Stand with the liars
Guilty as hell
Hateful and dumb. 

Once you understand
There is no turning back
The fakers
And the liars
Cruel and compromised. 

Helping their friends
And screwing us all
As obvious as the sun
Burning in the sky. 

We who remember
Remember this day
Another day down
On our way to the end. 

A straight line
Cuts through it
Slicing through
Time and space. 

Coming closer
With each hour
The day of decision
Sudden and sure. 

Lord come quickly
And wipe them away
Lest none of us escape
And none of us

Tuesday, May 30, 2017


Shrapnel                     5/30/2017

Blot them out
And grind them down
Scattered to the wind

Permanently erased
And full consumed
The bombers
And the rapists
Eternally doomed. 

Ten thousand
Times ten thousand
The terror they seek
Falling down
Upon their head
Crushing and complete.

All of it undone
And all of it unraveled
Destroyed in an hour
All of this hatred
And loathing. 

But nothing is worse
Than they who did nothing
Even when they knew
Covered up
And covered over. 

Bought, sold
And compliant
All of it for power
And praise.

But what glory
Comes from treachery
Trading away children
For the sweaty palms
Of mediocre men. 

Fill their lungs
With mucus
And let them choke
On their own bile
Stewing in acid
Guilty and dead.

Full of pride
And arrogance
They shall yet
Inherit hell.


Friday, May 19, 2017


Intersection            5/19/2017

Another day
And another snake
Turning and biting
Savage and deadly.

The truth of the witnesses
Hidden from view
All videos removed
To protect
A great big lie.   

Those who obstruct
And those who twist
The blame
Are at work every day
To condemn you and I.

But the truth is known
And they cannot lie forever
Even though they conspire
Obfuscate and deny.

We stumble
Blinded by the venom
Absorbing blow after blow
On the sidewalk
And on the street.

Evil men change their stories
Shifting blame
However they can
Spoon feeding us lies
And fake sentiment

They have plans for you
And they have plans for me
A long and painful extermination
One life at a time.

Sanitized, deleted
Scoured, and cleansed
Anything to suppress
The clear and present truth.

Their day is coming
And all will come out
When the last trumpet blows
Dead on their knees.

Thursday, May 18, 2017

The Fixer

 The Fixer               5/18/2017

Burrowed in
Like a rodent
The hateful parasites
With their heads in the trough. 

Nothing new
Under this dead sun
Just more of the same
Dumb and sinking fast.

The fix is always in
And the secrets
Are always buried
Drugging us all
With imaginary lies. 

They murdered many
And lied every day
Anything to win
And anything for money. 

They love to start fires
And water us down
Anything to keep us distracted
Until it’s too late. 

They want us to think
That it’s inevitable
And they want us to believe
That there is no point. 

But secretly they tremble
Afraid of the chance
That we might yet awaken
And know. 

If they lost even once
The whole house
Would fall
For in that moment
It would be obvious
All that they have done. 

All of the dead
And all of the used
All of the theft
And all of the lies.

Crashing down
Along with their propaganda
Destroyed in an hour
Gnashing their teeth. 

Unable to hide
They will fall on their knees
Blaming others till the end
For what they themselves have done. 

All who will see
Will see
And all who sleep
Will still sleep.

But the corrupt
Let them stay crooked
And the evil
Let them fester
And boil.

Almost imperceptibly
The wheels slowly turn
Inexorable to the end
The day and the hour.