Thursday, March 2, 2017

Black Widow

Spider Bite                                     3/2/2017

Sometimes in my dreams
I almost make it
Cementing every loose end
And vindicating
Every lost cause. 

There may be some things
That I will never have
And there may be some dreams
I will never live.

But to try
And keep on trying
Is the greatest victory
In spite of loss
And insurmountable odds.

There are those
Steeped in hatred
Unable to love
Even in the most
Poignant of moments. 

Mocking the dead
That they wish to kill
And laughing with glee
At assault
And murder. 

It is they, who savage
Both the innocent
And the broken hearted
Condemning themselves
For everyone to see. 

And it is they
Who hate
And it is they
Who kill.

It is they
Who sit on their hands
Leaving for dead
Those under attack
And refusing to help.

Drug through the streets
Tortured and defiled
The faithful left behind
Unforgettable savagery
Frozen in time. 

See them now
Smug and secure
Immune to the rules
That they use
To punish others. 

But, at the center of the web
Rests the worst of all
Arrogant, hateful
Dark and cruel. 

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