Thursday, March 9, 2017


Screamers     3/9/2017

We see the earth
But not the secrets
We buried
And we see the sky
But not beyond the veil.

We who have lived
Also have guessed
What lies above
And beyond. 

Knowing only in part
And experiencing only a sliver
Nothing but a glimpse
Short as a puff of smoke.

We sense it
In a gust of wind
The kind that comes in summer
Full on the face.

And we dream it
In our sleep
The great deep untouchable
So real
Yet formless and remote.

Taught to disbelieve
And herded like animals
Punished and stung
Until we comply. 

Duped into an orthodoxy
That was never true at all
As we all nod our head
Along with the crowd.

Huddled together
While the dissenters
Are removed
Their reputations ruined
And livelihood destroyed.

Latching on to every lie
They hope against hope
The foolish, and the compromised
The paid, and the cruel. 

Unquestioned and unpunished
Protected and rude
The willing participants
Of civilizational suicide.

Destroying in a few generations
What took millennia to build
All of it avoidable
And all of it dumb. 

See them conspire
And trace every murder
Any who would dare
Expose the truth.

But now it is different
And now we have learned
Even though we are outnumbered
And even though
We are accused. 

Dehumanized, diluted
Debilitated and destroyed
The controlled decline
Of many
By the arrogant
And the cruel. 

Even now you can see
And even now you can feel
The circling demons
Shouting with glee.

Never giving up
And never giving in
Just waiting for us to tire
Or fall asleep. 

Boasting about a future
When they know
That they can win
Even while we know
How this story ends. 

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