Friday, March 3, 2017


Sleeper                               3/3/2017

Stuck in a hard place
Eating tasteless pudding
Spinning on a merry go round
With no way out
And no way off.

We work in institutions
Hollowed out from the inside
And killing itself.

Stripping away all culture
And bull dozing the past
They hide all we were
So they can dictate
Who we are.

Babelizing language
They medicate with propaganda
Superimposing a culture of compliance
And death.

And now we are
As strangers
Sojourning in our own land
Penalized and victimized
From every possible angle.

Objects of hatred
More ancient than nations
The remnants of the faithful
Hunted with a vengeance.

We have long since forgotten
From where we came
But the enemy never forgets
And holds his grudge

Picking us off
At the fringes
And hoping against hope
That we never

And blamed
And terrorized

And shout it loud
For those asleep in their tombs
But not only for them
But for those yet
Asleep in their wombs.

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