Tuesday, March 28, 2017


Scrutiny       3/28/2017

Violent but not courageous
The teeming vermin
Eating us up
From the inside out. 

We wait
And we wait
But nothing every changes
Dying a little more
Each and every day.

Two weeks in Carolina
Hundreds of miles
From the city to an island
Arcing in a circle
All over and back again.

If I did not know
It wouldn’t change a thing
That some people seethe
And stew in their bile.

Credentialed but not credible
They stare with their eyes
Searching for a kink
To exploit
And to murder. 
But wouldn’t we be great
If we could just live
Loving people enough
To scrutinize ourselves.

Letting others be
Whether they like us
Or not
Together or separate
Free to live
And thrive.

But woe to him
Who cannot move on
Always jealous
And filled with hate.

Judging many
With no proof of all
And laughing at murder
Shrieking with delight. 

Blot them out
And close up their mouths
Forever forgotten
And burned away. 

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