Thursday, March 2, 2017


Frenzy                        3/2/2017

Drop it down
And watch them bite
Driven to a frenzy
By instinct
And desperation. 

Boiling the water
And foaming at the mouth
The flashing teeth
And bulging eyes. 

The kind of thing
You hear about
An abstract horror
That happens to others

Far away
In books and movies
The sudden terror
And deliberate attack. 

We think we understand
But seldom do we know
The hidden heart of man
Filled with treachery
And deceit. 

Doubting ourselves
And seeking easy comfort
We believe we are the same
And dream of better times.

But underneath the surface
The serpent tightens its coils
Patiently waiting
For to look away
Or turn around. 

Eyes darting from side to side
Searching for anything
To swing or shove
Any means to achieve
The murder they crave.

A good man
Mourns a few
But evil men
Hide countless bodies.

Dropping like flies
Everywhere they go
Conveniently used
And conveniently dead.

There is nothing more precious
Than the truth outright
The gift of peace
And beautiful contentment. 

The good have that peace
No matter the circumstance
Even when attacked
And even when accused. 

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