Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Early Spring

Early Spring     2/28/2017

Another day in
And another day out
Turning on a hairpin
And twisting in circles.

Every day is the same
And we are trapped
In the same beginning
Always falling backwards
Just before sunrise.

Cats in a box
Fighting through a maze
Unable to escape
And dying over and over again.

Living through
An ever tightening vise
Of diminishing options
And predictable possibilities.

If we could live it over
What is it
That we would change
As useless then
As we are now. 

We always long
For what we cannot have
And we always covet
The ones that got away.

All that we lose
And all that we forget
Open ended and awkward
Improperly closed
Abrupt and ajar.

For me it’s a fragment
An irregular piece
Lodged in my throat
Unable to pass
Down or up
In or out. 

I thought I could win
And I thought I could bask
In the warm glow of acceptance
And blissful comfort.

It’s not like
I did not try
I did what I could
But it was far too little
And far too late. 

Win or lose
What are we to say
That some cruel
And others kind
Any day and either way. 

Water flows under our feet
And much of it has passed
Under the bridge
And out to sea.

But even now
Many cannot rest
Always seeking
And always proving. 

Empty vessels
That will never be filled
No matter how much they have
Or how much they steal. 

The soulless cipher
Let him choke on it now
Doubly dead
Gone forever
As if he never
Lived at all.   

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